RE: Plan for getting core WPD content sorted out

There's two competing pressures here:  From a rational project management perspective, yes we should concentrate on the high value core items.  But from the perspective of getting enthusiastic community engagement, the "green field" areas and trendy technologies allow people to stake out a manageable area, add lots of value, and get lots of social karma.  

So I definitely don't want to discourage new people from coming in to document the nascent stuff even though I agree we need to focus the core group's resources on the core content.

From: Chris Mills
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2012 2:32 AM
Subject: Plan for getting core WPD content sorted out

Hi all,

I was just thinking about this. I've seen some discussion going back and forth about adding documentation to WPD for stuff like Audio API and CSS regions. That's great, but surely we should concentrate more for a bit now on getting some of the existing HTML/CSS/JavaScript core stuff sorted out? Getting that core stuff in place is surely a higher priority than documenting nascent standards features that currently have limited browser support. I am happy to work with Julee and the others to formulate a plan for this.

After I've got the high level page structures/IA/UX in a bit more working order over the next couple of weeks, I am happy to start contributing to the low level content myself.

I'd say a general plan would be:

* Split the content into areas of responsibility, e.g. CSS learning articles (concepts plus tutorials), CSS property references, CSS selector references, HTML learning articles, HTML element references, etc.
* Assign those areas to individuals who can take responsibility for their tending
* Get people working on those areas over the next couple of months. I'd say each domain area needs an editor and a proof reader, possibly a demo writer as well, as when Lea gets Dabblet in place, we'll need to install live demos on all the articles.

Shall we discuss this at the general meeting on Monday?

Chris Mills
Open standards evangelist and editor, Opera Software
Co-chair, web education community group, W3C
Author of "Practical CSS3: Develop and Design" (

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Received on Saturday, 1 December 2012 18:35:21 UTC