W3C / WEB Payment Interest Group / charter

Dear All,

Here is our remarks on the scope of the charter (in red-bold):

The Web Payments Interest Group's scope covers payment transactions on the Web over a variety of devices (computer, mobile, tablet, etc.) and channels using a variety of payment instruments (credit cards, credit transfer, direct debit, loyalty cards, coupon, new payment systems such as e.g. Paypal, Google wallet, etc., new cryptocurrencies such as e.g. Bitcoin, Ven, etc.). It also covers business-to-person (B2C), business-to-business (B2B), Business-to-Business to consumer (B2B2C), and person-to-person (P2P) transactions, as well as physical (payment at physical shops) and online payments for physical or digital goods, including in-app payments.

Fine for the rest of the charter.

Best regards

    Cyril VIGNET (cyril.vignet@bpce.fr)

    Département R&D Innovation
    BCA/Direction des Paiements Groupe
    50, avenue Pierre Mendès France 75201 Paris cedex 13
    Tél. : +33 1 58 40 02 34 - Port. : +33 6 22 04 08 56

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