Re: UN peacekeepers 'barter goods for sex' - BBC News

Andrew Macleod spoke about this problem at the 'Trust Factory' event.  Some
links about him: Andrew Macleod Mining & Impact Capital,  TED Development
Investment, Terrorism & Global Affairs

Search using the following keywords for more info:

"United Nations" "food for sex"

"United Nations" "sexual abuse"

"United Nations" "child rape"

"United Nations" pedophilia

With respect to 'modern slavery', i also highlight: noting that whilst the position of this video is
another important problem to solve, that the broader video will help you
understand the scope of these sorts of problems...

With respect to what it's got to do with this CG;

- payments
- credentials
- computer vision analysis, storage (in a signed rdf documents) and rules
around how those sorts of things are stored, discovered, psuedo anonymized
ACL access in relation to other data and the means of providing "dignity
enhancing" methods for governance using the solution (leveraging linked
data), alongside implications for HR use-cases particularly in relation to
IoT (Inc. AR/headwear).


This is a usecase that can be examined to define a sustainable and
pragmatically reasonable framework for trust infrastructure.

I don't imagine we intend to build a verifiable claims framework that is
designed to be untrustworthy.


On Sat., 8 Apr. 2017, 3:07 am David Nicol, <> wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 9:10 AM, Manu Sporny <>
> wrote:
> On 04/06/2017 09:31 PM, Kaliya IDwoman wrote:
> > Man camps of all kinds create markets for sex. Smart contracts don't
> > fix this problem
> Strongly agree.
> Technologists tend to incorrectly bias very heavily towards technology
> solving problems that are fundamentally more social than technical. We
> should measure our words more carefully, this thread being a case in point.
> The article includes an andecote of a sex-worker keeping a peacekeeper's
> identification until they were paid. How would "smart contracts" or
> anything else internet-related help with this? It seems that the subject
> matter experts in the space already have completely workable solutions to
> their various use cases.

Received on Friday, 7 April 2017 17:14:24 UTC