Update on Web Payments Working Group

Hi all,

Apologies for the lack of communication as of late. Many of us are
heads-down in the Web Payments Working Group in an attempt to get the
First Public Working Draft documents out.

Things are not going well for the Web Payments Community Group
specifications. I've written up a blog post about what is going well and
what isn't here:


The full-text of the article is included below for those that want to
respond inline. Sorry for the length of the post - there is a lot going
on that we're trying to report back to the group.


The Web Browser API Incubation Anti-Pattern

   This blog post is about a number of hard lessons learned at the
   World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) while building new features
   for the Web with browser vendors and how political and frustrating
   the process can be.

   The W3C Web Payments Community Group (a 220 person
   pre-standardization effort around payments on the Web) has been in
   operation now for a bit more than four years. This effort was
   instrumental in starting conversations around the payments
   initiative at W3C and has, over the years, incubated many ideas
   and pre-standards specifications around Web Payments.

   When the Web Payments Working Group (a different, official
   standardization group at W3C) was formed, a decision was made to
   incubate specifications from two Community Groups and then merge
   them before the Web Payments Browser API First Public Working
   Draft was released in April 2016.

   The first community group was composed of roughly 220 people from
   the general public (the Web Payments Community Group). The second
   community group was composed of a handful of employees from
   browser vendor companies (fewer than 7 active). When it came time
   to merge these two specifications, the browser vendors dug in
   their heels making no compromises and the Web Payments Community
   Group had no choice but to sacrifice their own specifications in
   the hope of making progress based on the Microsoft/Google

   It is currently unclear how much the Web Payments Community Group
   or the Web Payments Working Group will be able to sway the browser
   vendors on the Web Payments Browser API specification. I do
   believe that there is still room for the Web Payments Community
   Group to influence the work, but we face a grueling uphill slog.

   The rest of this post analyzes a particular W3C standards
   development anti-pattern that we discovered over the last few
   years and attempts to advise future groups at W3C so that they may
   avoid the trap in which we became ensnared.

A Brief History of Web Payments in and Around W3C

   Full disclosure: I'm one of the founders and chairman of several
   W3C Community Groups (JSON-LD, Permanent Identifiers, Credentials,
   and Web Payments). A great deal of my company's time, effort, and
   money (to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars) has gone
   into these groups in an effort to help them create the next
   generation Web. I am biased, so take this post with a grain of
   salt. That said, my bias is a well-informed one.

   For a while now, the W3C Community Group process seemed to be
   working as designed. It took a great deal of effort to get a new
   activity started at W3C, but a small group of very motivated
   "outsiders" were able to kick-start the most supported initiative
   in W3C history. This is what went right:

     * 2010 May - The PaySwarm open payments community launches
       outside of the W3C with a handful of people, a few
       specifications, and the goal of standardizing payments, offers
       of sale, digital receipts, and automated digital contracts on
       the Web.
     * 2012 May - W3C staff contact, Doug Schepers, convinces a small
       handful of us create the Web Payments Community Group at W3C
       and bring the work into W3C. In parallel, a W3C Headlights
       process identifies payments as an area to keep an eye on.
     * 2012 - 2014 - Web Payments Community Group expands to 100
       people with several experimental specifications under active
       development. Web Payments Community Group members engage the
       United Nation's Internet Governance Forum, banking/finance
       industry, and technology industry to gather large organization
     * 2013 October - W3C TPAC in Shenzen, China - W3C Management is
       convinced by the Web Payments Community Group and W3C staff
       contact Dave Raggett to hold a workshop for Web Payments.
     * 2014 March - W3C Workshop for Web Payments is held in Paris,
       France. The result is a proposal to start official work at the
     * 2014 October - First official Web Payments Activity, the Web
       Payments Interest Group, is launched to create a vision and
       strategy for Web Payments. It does so, along with the creation
       of a Web Payments Working Group charter. A great deal of the
       Web Payment Community Group's input is taken into account.
     * 2015 September - Second official Web Payments activity, the
       Web Payments Working Group, is launched to execute on the Web
       Payments Interest Group's vision.

   So far, so good. While it took twice as long to start a Working
   Group as we had hoped, we had far greater support going in than we
   imagined when we embarked on our journey in 2010. The Web Payments
   Interest Group was being receptive to input from the Web Payments
   Community Group. The Working Group was launched and that's when
   the first set of issues between the Web Payments Community Group,
   Web Payments Interest Group, and the Web Payments Working Group

   The Web Browser API Incubation Anti-Pattern

     * 2015 October - A decision is made to incubate the Web Payments
       Working Group input specifications in separate Community

   When W3C Working Groups are created, they are expected to produce
   technical specifications that expand the capabilities of the Web.
   Often input is taken from Community Group documents, existing
   specifications and technology created by corporate organizations,
   research organizations, and workshops. This input is then merged
   into one or more Working Group specifications under the control of
   the Working Group.

   That is how it is supposed to work, anyway. In reality, there are
   many shenanigans that are employed by some of the largest
   organizations at W3C that get in the way of how things are
   supposed to work.

   Here is one such story:

   The Web Payments Community Group has a body of specification work
   going back 4+ years. When the Web Payments Working Group started,
   Microsoft and Google did not have a Web Payments specification,
   and thus put something together in a couple of weeks and incubated
   it at the Web Incubator Community Group. In an attempt to "play on
   the same field", some of the editors of the Web Payments Community
   Group specifications moved that community's specifications to the
   Web Incubator Community Group and incubated them there as well.

   The explanation that the Microsoft and Google representatives used
   was that they were just figuring this stuff out and wanted a bit
   of time to incubate their ideas before merging them into the Web
   Payments Working Group. At the time I remember it sounding like a
   reasonable plan and was curious about the Web Incubator Community
   Group process; it couldn't hurt to incubate the Web Payments
   Community Group specifications alongside the Microsoft/Google
   specification. I did raise the point that I thought we should
   merge as quickly as possible and the idea that we'd have
   "competing specifications" where one winner would be picked at the
   end was a very undesirable potential outcome.

   The W3C staff contacts, chairs, and Microsoft/Google assured the
   group that we wouldn't be picking a winner and would merge the
   best ideas from each set of specifications in time. I think
   everyone truly believed that would happen at the time.


     * 2016 February - The months old Microsoft/Google specification
       is picked as the winner over the years old work that went into
       the Web Payments Community Group specification. Zero features
       from the Web Payments Community Group specification are merged
       with a suggestion to perform pull requests if the Web Payments
       Community Group would like modifications made to the
       Microsoft/Google specification.

Four Months of Warning Signs

   The thing the Web Payments Working Group did not want to happen,
   the selection of one specification with absolutely zero content
   being merged in from the other specification, ended up happening.
   Let's rewind a bit and analyze how this happened.

     * 2015 October - The Web Payments Working Group has its first
       face-to-face meeting at W3C TPAC in Sapporo, Japan.

Warning Sign #1: Lack of Good-Faith Review

   At the start of the Working Group, two sets of specification
   editors agreed to put together proposals for the Web Payments
   Working Group. The first set of specification editors consisted of
   members of the Web Payments Community Group. The second set of
   specification editors consisted of employees from Microsoft and
   Google. A mutual agreement was made for both sets of specification
   editors to review each other's specifications and raise issues on
   them in the hope of eventually hitting a point where a merge was
   the logical next step.

   The Web Payments Community Group`s editors raised 24+ issues on
   the Microsoft/Google proposal and compared/contrasted the
   specifications in order to highlight the differences between both
   specifications. This took an enormous amount of effort and the
   work continued for weeks. The Microsoft/Google editors raised zero
   issues on the counter-proposals. To this day, it's unclear if they
   actually read through the counter proposals in depth. No issues
   were raised at all by the Microsoft/Google editors on the Web
   Payments Community Group's specifications.

Warning Sign #2: Same Problem, Two Factions

   When the Web Payments Working Group agreed to work on their first
   specification, noting that there were going to be at least two
   proposals, the idea was raised by the Microsoft/Google
   representatives that they wanted to work on their specification in
   the Web Incubator Community Group. Even though the Web Payments
   Community Group editors chose to incubate their community's
   specifications in the Web Incubator Community Group, the
   inevitable structure of that work forced the editor's to split
   into two factions to make rapid progress on each set of
   specifications. This lead to a breakdown in the lines of
   communication between the editors with Microsoft and Google
   collaborating closely on their specification and the Web Payments
   Community Group editors focusing on trying to keep their
   specifications in sync with the Microsoft/Google specification
   without significant engagement from the Microsoft/Google editors.

   The inevitably led to closed discussion, misunderstanding motives,
   backchannel discussions, and a variety of other things that are
   harmful to the standardization process. In hindsight, this was
   trouble waiting to happen. This sort of system pits the editors
   and the group against itself and the most likely outcome is a Web
   Payments Community Group vs. Microsoft/Google gambit. Systems
   often force a particular outcome and this system forces harmful
   competition and a winner take all outcome.

Warning Sign #3: One-Sided Compromise

   A few weeks before the Web Payments Working Group face-to-face
   meeting, the editors of the Web Payments Community Group
   specifications discovered (through a backchannel discussion) that
   "the browser vendors are never going to adopt JSON-LD and the Web
   Payments Community Group specification will never gain traction as
   a result". The Web Payments Community Group specifications used
   JSON-LD to meet the extensibility needs of Web Payments. This
   desire to not use JSON-LD by the browser vendors was never
   communicated through any public channel nor was it directly
   communicated by the browser vendors privately. This is
   particularly bad form in an open standardization initiative as it
   leaves the editors to guess at what sort of proposal would be
   attractive to the browser vendors.

   Once again, the Web Payments Community Group editors (in an
   attempt to propose a workable specification to the browser
   vendors) reworked the Web Payments Community Group specifications
   to compromise and remove JSON-LD as the message extensibility
   mechanism, ensuring it was purely optional and that no browser
   would have to implement any part of it. We did this not because we
   thought it was the best solution for the Web, but in an effort to
   gain some traction with the browser vendors. This modification was
   met with no substantive response from the browser vendors.

Warning Sign #4: Limited Browser Vendor Cycles

   Two weeks before the Web Payments Working Group face-to-face
   meeting, the Web Payments Community Group editors personally
   reached out to the Microsoft/Google editors to see why more
   collaboration wasn't taking place. Both editors from
   Microsoft/Google noted that they were just trying to come up to
   speed, incubate their specifications, and make sure their proposal
   was solid before the face-to-face meeting. It became clear that
   they too could be stressed for time and did not have the bandwidth
   to review or participate in the counter-proposal discussions.

   The Web Payments Community Group specification editors, in a
   further attempt to compromise, forked the Microsoft/Google
   specification for the purposes of demonstrating how some aspects
   of the Web Payments Community Group design could be achieved with
   the browser vendor's specification and prepared a presentation to
   outline four compromises that could be made to get to a merged
   specification. The proposal received no substantive response or
   questions from the browser vendors.

Warning Sign #5: Insufficient Notice

   Google put forward a registration proposal 12 hours before the Web
   Payments face-to-face meeting and announced it as a proposal
   during the face-to-face. This has happened again recently with the
   Microsoft/Google proposed Web Payments Method Identifiers
   specification. Instead of adding an issue marker to the
   specification to add features, like was being done for other pull
   requests, the editors unilaterally decided to merge one particular
   pull request that took the specification from three paragraphs to
   many pages overnight. This happened while discussion was still
   happening and also the day before a discussion about taking that
   specification to First Public Working Draft.

   Clearly, less than 24 hours isn't enough time to do a proper
   review before making a decision and if the Web Payments Community
   Group editors had attempted to do something of that nature it
   would have been heavily frowned upon.

Things Finally Fall Apart

     * 2016 February - The Web Payments Working Group Face-to-Face
       Meeting in San Francisco

   The Web Payments Community Group specification editors went into
   the meeting believing that there would be a number of hard
   compromises made during the meeting, but a single merged
   specification would come out as a result of the process. There
   were presentations by Microsoft/Google and by the Web Payments
   Community Group before the decision making process of what to
   merge started.

   For most of the afternoon, discussion went back and forth with the
   browser vendors vaguely pushing back on suggestions made by the
   Web Payments Community Group specifications. Most of the arguments
   were kept high-level instead of engaging directly with
   specification text. Many of the newer Web Payments Working Group
   participants were either unprepared for the discussion or did not
   know how to engage in the discussion.

   Further, solid research data seemed to have no effect on the
   position of the browser vendors. When research data covering
   multiple large studies on shopping cart abandonment was presented
   to demonstrate how the Microsoft/Google solution could actually
   make things like shopping cart abandonment worse, the response was
   that "the data doesn't apply to us, because we (the browser
   vendors) haven't tried to solve this particular problem".

   After several hours of frustrating discussion, one of the Chairs
   posed an interesting thought experiment. He asked that if the
   group flipped a coin and picked a specification, if there were any
   Web Payments Working Group members that couldn't live with the
   outcome. The lead editor of the Microsoft/Google specification
   said he couldn't because he couldn't understand the Web Payments
   Community Group's proposals. Keep in mind that one of these
   proposals was a fork of the Microsoft/Google proposal with roughly
   four design changes.

   At that point, it became clear to me that all of our attempts to
   engage the browser vendors had been entirely unsuccessful. In the
   best case, they didn't have the time to review our specifications
   in detail and thus didn't have a position on them other than they
   wanted to use what was familiar, which was their proposal. Even if
   it was purely an issue of time, they made no effort to indicate
   they saw value in reviewing our specifications. In the worst case,
   they wanted to ensure that they had control over the specification
   and the Community Group's technical design didn't matter as much
   as them being put in charge of the specifications. The Working
   Group was scheduled to release a First Public Working Draft of the
   Web Payments Browser API a few weeks after the meeting, so there
   was a strong time pressure for the group to make a decision.

   In the end, there were only two outcomes that I could see. The
   first was a weeks-to-months-long protracted fight which had a very
   high chance of dividing the group further and greatly reducing the
   momentum we had built. The second was to kill the Web Payments
   Community Group specifications, give the browser vendors what they
   wanted (control), and attempt to modify what we saw as the worst
   parts of the Microsoft/Google proposals to something workable to
   organizations that aren't the browser vendors.

The Key Things That Went Wrong

   After having some time to reflect on what happened during the
   meeting, here are the most prominent things that went wrong along
   the way:

     * Prior to the start of the Working Group, we tried, multiple
       times, to get the browser vendors involved in the Web Payments
       Community Group. Every attempt failed due to their concerns
       over Intellectual Property and patents. Only the creation of
       the Working Group was able to bring about significant browser
       vendor involvement.
     * The Microsoft/Google specification editors were not engaged in
       the Web Payments Interest Group and thus had very little
       context on the problems that we are trying to solve. This
       group discusses the future of payments on the Web at a much
       higher-level and provides the context for creating Working
       Groups to address particular problems. Without that context,
       the overarching goals may be lost.
     * The Microsoft/Google specification editors were not engaged
       with the Community Group specifications. It was a mistake to
       never require them to at least review the Community Group
       specifications and raise issues on them. They were asked to
       review them and they agreed to, but the Working Group should
       have put a stop on other work until those reviews were
       completed. At a minimum, this may have caused some of the
       ideas to be incorporated into the Microsoft/Google
       specification once work resumed.
     * The Working Group decided to incubate specifications outside
       of the Working Group, which meant that they had no control
       over how those specifications were incubated or the timeline
       around them. In hindsight, it is clear now that this was not
       just an experiment, but a dereliction of duty.
     * The Working Group decided to incubate technical specifications
       between two groups that are grossly unmatched in power: the
       Web Payments Community Group and the browser vendors. Imagine
       if we were to throw members of the middle class into the same
       room as the largest financial companies in the world and ask
       them to figure out how to extend capital to individuals in the
       future. Each group would have a different idea on what would
       be the best approach, but only one of the groups needs to
       listen to the other.

Two Proposed Solutions to the W3C Browser Incubation Anti-Pattern

   We know that the following patterns hold true at W3C:

     * Attempting to propose a browser API with little to no browser
       involvement from the beginning, regardless of the technical
       merit of the specification does not work.
     * Attempting to propose a browser API where the browser vendors
       do not feel sufficiently in control of the specification does
       not work.

   Giving browser vendors significant control over a browser API
   specification and providing feedback via pull requests is what
   currently works best at W3C. The downside here, of course, is that
   no one but the browser vendors can expect to have a significant
   voice in the creation of new browser APIs.

   There are a few exceptions to the patterns listed above as some
   specification editors are more benevolent than others. Some put in
   more due diligence than others. Some standardization initiatives
   are less politically charged than others. Overall, there has to be
   a better way at doing specifications for browser APIs than what we
   have at W3C now.

   The simplest solution to this problem is this:

   As a best practice, a Working Group should never have multiple
   specifications that are still being incubated when it starts. The
   Working Group should pick either one specification before it
   starts or start with a blank specification and build from there.
   All discussion of that specification and decisions made about it
   should be done out in the open and with the group's consent.

   Barring what is said above, if the group decides to incubate
   multiple specifications (which is a terrible idea), here is a
   simple three-step proposal that could have been used to avoid the
   horror show that was the first couple of months of the Web
   Payments Working Group:

    1. Any Working Group that decides to incubate multiple
       specifications that do more or less the same thing, and will
       attempt to merge later, will always start out with one blank
       specification under the control of the Working Group.
    2. As editors of competing specifications finish up work on their
       incubated specifications, they make pull requests on the blank
       specification with concepts from their competing
       specification. The pull requests should be:
          + Small in size, integrating one concept at a time
          + Pulled in alternating between both specifications (with
            priorities on what to pull and when assigned by the
            originating editors)
          + Commented on by all editors in a timely fashion (or
            merged automatically after 5 business days; it's better
            to have conflicting material in the spec that needs
            resolution than to ignore the desires of some of the
    3. The Working Group Chairs merge pull requests in. If there is a
       conflict, both options are pulled into the specification and
       an issue marker is created to ensure that the WG discusses
       both options and eventually picks one or combines them

   The proposal is designed to:

     * Ensure that the Working Group is in control of the
       specification at all times.
     * Ensure that proper due diligence is carried out by all editors
       during the merging process.
     * Ensure that a mix of ideas are integrated into the
     * Ensure that steady progress can be made on a single

   While I doubt the browser vendors will find the proposal better
   than the current state of things, I don't think they would find it
   so unpalatable that they wouldn't join any group using this
   procedure. This approach does inject some level of fairness to
   those participants that are not browser vendors and forces due
   diligence into the process (from all sides). If the Web is
   supposed to be for everyone, our specification creation process
   for browser APIs needs to be available to more than just the
   largest browser vendors.

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: Web Payments: The Architect, the Sage, and the Moral Voice

Received on Thursday, 31 March 2016 01:41:24 UTC