Re: Modeling trust lines

On 17 February 2016 at 20:43, Brent Shambaugh <>

> Melvin, I would think the ValueFlows Group would have use for this.
> Perhaps you have heard of them?
> link:

Thanks for the pointer!  Had a chat with these folks, they are doing some
interesting work.  Hopefully some future collaboration is possible.  But
they dont yet model trust lines.

> -Brent Shambaugh
> Website:
> On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 2:31 PM, Melvin Carvalho <
> > wrote:
>> I have a use case that has a need for 'trust lines', similar to those
>> that can be added in the ripple system
>> e.g. Alice trusts Bob for 100 bits
>> Would be the statement I would like to model.
>> The terms needed:
>> source
>> amount
>> currency
>> destination
>> description / context (optional?)
>> I already have a very similar data structure in web credits namely the
>> "Credit" class that amounts to an IOU between participants.
>> Does anyone have any ideas on a good way to model trust lines?  My
>> current idea would just be to reuse the web credits fields with a new type
>> -- (name = TrustLine?)
>> This leads to the question, of whether to make TrustLine a subclass of
>> Credit, a sibling class, or to create some kind of parent class for both.
>> I'll note that the web payments work already has a similar concept, namely
>> "Transfer" e.g.
>> I'd probably like to turn this around in the next days so just wanted to
>> ask the group if they had any thoughts or experiences with this workflow
>> that they might like to share!
>> --------------------------------- Step #1 -----------------------------------
>> *** Agent creates a Transaction object
>> {
>>    "type": "Transaction"
>>    "transfer":
>>    {
>>       "type": "Transfer",
>>       "amount": "7.50",
>>       "currency": "USD",
>>       "source": "",
>>       "destination": "",
>>       "comment": "Chipping in for the Pizza Party tomorrow."
>>    }
>> }

Received on Wednesday, 17 February 2016 22:07:52 UTC