- From: Steven Rowat <steven_rowat@sunshine.net>
- Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2015 13:49:17 -0700
- To: public-webpayments@w3.org
> I did a talk at the W3C Brazil conference a few weeks ago in which I > tried to define the two streams of work we're doing related to > payments. Would appreciate any comments or criticism so I can continue > to refine these ideas. > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sANeF3_w_3g&index=3&list=PLQq8-9yVHyOaHUE6t3x89xRO4-tPR1n2L > > Adrian Thank you, personally I found it interesting and generally well done. I didn't take notes, but on considering it afterwards, and now noticing your request for comments, FWIW I'll take a stab: Pro --Liked the slide/model with the three-stage development of the web side-by-side with the financial institutions and emerging web payments. I think that made it clear that something needs to happen--is happening--and might get reluctant institutions to take notice. --The personal note with your problems shipping your dollars home to pay bills in rand was effective for me. --Liked the emphasis on emergence of distributed payments like bitcoin/ripple as being in their infancy and needing to be accommodated along with traditional systems, rather than replacing them. --Liked the format where you have the large slides available that you click through as you talk, but you are not focused on them or looking at them, and are instead speaking non-scripted while looking directly at your audience. For me, this makes it much more engaging than speakers who point at slides with a laser or cursor while they speak. I believe most of my learning comes from listening carefully to what you're saying, rather than looking at the slide, which I can then do in a split-second (or two) when I feel the need. Here I believe it would have been particularly effective for the conference attendees, since they could make that choice at any instant between you and the big screen over your head. Con --The flip side of the last Pro point: as a watcher of the video, it might have been nice to have the current slide embedded in the corner of the video (maybe 1/4 or 1/8 screen), so it could be referenced when the viewer needed to see it, just like the conference participants could. --Question period after: Because the questions were in Portuguese (I think), in this particular situation it would have been good if you had repeated, in summary, the questions, before you launched into answering them. It would perhaps have been boring for the participants (who all had simultaneous translation I assume) but given the remarkable camera work it's clear a lot of effort went into the video, so any non-Portuguese-speaking audience (ie, me :-) ) would benefit. --Your split in time (during the talk) between when you posed the problem of your personal money transfer, and when you answered it, was quite a few minutes, and although you summed up nicely (in the second reference), I found it confusing to know why you were telling some parts of your story at first, and almost wandered away and became a non-audience in the interim. --I'm not sure how well this talk would adapt to different audiences, at different levels of technical knowledge. To put it another way: you were juggling high level social organization concepts intermingled with quite low level technical ones, often using the jargon of the latter. At a conference of programmers that would probably work, but it might need substantial revision for various other audiences. Yet IMO those other audiences are going to be essential for this work to get funded and accomplished -- so you might have to create several different talks to get the same ideas across. Maybe ZJ, MJ, and FJ (zero jargon, medium jargon, and full jargon) versions. It's a symptom of the depth of the problem you face that I don't know whether this was a medium jargon or a full jargon version. ;-) Again, I appreciated seeing the video, and hope something here is of assistance. Steven Rowat
Received on Tuesday, 20 October 2015 20:49:44 UTC