Re: Payment messages, browser APIs, and REST APIs

On 2015-10-01 07:01, Manu Sporny wrote:
> On 09/30/2015 11:59 PM, Anders Rundgren wrote:
>> Before jumping into APIs I would like to know where the Payment UI
>> is.
> It depends on the API.
> For the browser API, the payment UI is exposed by the browser or a polyfill.
> For the BTLE / NFC API, the payment UI could be exposed by a native app.
> For the REST API, the payment UI could be exposed by a command line
> client, native app, or browser.
> ... although, I'm pretty sure that's not where you're going w/ this,
> Anders. :P ... but I'll wait for you to raise the Native Messaging point
> instead of guessing that that's where you're going to go with this. :)

Thanx Manu, I was mostly curious since Google's payment proposal seems to
build on the idea that it is in the browser which doesn't look like a good
fit if they are (as written) going to interface with Apple Pay.

I should probably be happy that I never got invited expert status in the IG;
sorting out architecture issues of this caliber is probably as fun and easy
as fixing the problems in Syria...

Native Messaging is an interesting topic including the standardization of it.  As it
appears my efforts lifting this issue to the W3C architecture forums didn't go anywhere,
instead Mozilla and Microsoft are implementing this as a "de-facto" standard.

It is somewhat surprising that the W3C staff didn't recognize that there was
a market/need for a standard that unifies the Web and the App worlds.


> -- manu

Received on Thursday, 1 October 2015 05:54:52 UTC