Re: [glossary] External data dictionary reference requirements

RE: Are there specific standards bodies FORMALLY recognized by the W3C?

Hmm, in fact I was hoping there were but I don't know.

In domains like payments and e-commerce, any Venn diagram of the relevant
deep-rooted standards bodies will look like the overlapping circles of the
Olympic logo. So formal liaisons seem to me indispensible to facilitate
dedicated efforts to map the structure, semantics & syntax.  Ideally the
sort of formal recognition I had in mind for this IG would be like these
W3C & VoiceXML Forum

Here also are some non-W3C examples:
* IETF & IEEE 802

RE: I am not sure if it is right to label this as the PRIMARY default
external source.

This IG has correctly identified ISO 20022 as the primary default external
standard for the exchange of financial information. In a nutshell, my
recommendation is for this W3C initiative to equivalently reference *both*
ISO 20022 and ISO 19845 (i.e. UBL  due for final
vote next month).

SWIFT brought uniformity to the financial info for 20022, but things aren't
quite as elegant in the realm of e-commerce standards. Rather than a nice
orderly Olympic logo sort of Venn Diagram, it's more like scribbled
circles, with the result that there's been considerable confusion about
which standards bodies cover what aspects. Here's a (2011) effort by
OASIS/UBL Co-Chair Ken Holman to situate these various circles:
Original source:

Things have advanced in the subsequent 4 years, and based on what I see, I
recommend that UBL be given the same status as 20022 in this IG's work,
acknowledging that there are likely a few aspects where they overlap an
must be reconciled.

This also means that anything which shows up in this W3C IG/GC work as "in
scope", and which is already addressed in those other standards (ditto for
others that I've not mentioned here), should be pointed at, not re-created
or re-stated.

Joseph Potvin
Operations Manager | Gestionnaire des opérations
The Opman Company | La compagnie Opman
Mobile: 819-593-5983

On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 1:27 AM, <> wrote:

> Joseph,
> Thanks for the input on the Glossary page.
> I have two questions:
> 1.  “existing standards bodies recognized by the W3C”
> Are there specific standards bodies FORMALLY recognized by the W3C?
> If so, could you point me to a reference to such a  list?
> (and I will then go look into that to see whether the standards from
> payments such as EMV and PCI are listed there)
> If not, I would suggest to strike the wording "formally recognized by the
> W3C"
> 2. The reference to UBL is giving a strong link to the work done on
> Universal Business Language.
> However, I am not sure if it is right to label this as the PRIMARY default
> external source.
> Within the Glossary, no specific preference or precedence has been given
> to the different sources.
> Regards,
> Evert
> Van: Joseph Potvin []
> Verzonden: woensdag 20 mei 2015 22:50
> Aan: Web Payments CG; Web Payments IG
> Onderwerp: [glossary] External data dictionary reference requirements
> "The aim of this page is to gather Glossary Terms from the Use Cases and
> Payment Agent and provide a wiki page platform to facilitate consideration
> of the definitions by the IG. When available, references to external
> definitions will be listed with the terms."
> The aim of this page is to gather Glossary Terms from the Use Cases and
> Payment Agent and provide a wiki page platform to facilitate consideration
> of the definitions by the IG. Definitions of terms that are inherent to Web
> specifications will be drawn from existing W3C data dictionaries, with
> appropriate references. Definitions of terms that are inherent to the
> domains of e-commerce and payments will be drawn from the data dictionaries
> of other existing standards bodies recognized by the W3C, with appropriate
> references. The primary default external source shall be the most recent
> International Data Dictionary of ISO/IEC 19845 (Universal Business Language
> Version 2.1)
> --
> Joseph Potvin
> Operations Manager | Gestionnaire des opérations
> The Opman Company | La compagnie Opman
> Mobile: 819-593-5983
> ======================================================
> Rabobank disclaimer:


Received on Friday, 22 May 2015 11:56:49 UTC