Re: modeling wallets

Coinjar: or currencyjar: or perhaps fiatlocker:

Wallet had more identifiers and/or different forms of currency.  Id,
license,  membership,

Digital is different imho. No real way of careying a 'wallet' by identifier
perhaps.  Dunno

On 22:19, Sat, 16/05/2015 Melvin Carvalho <> wrote:

> During my implementation of a proof of concept for virtual wallets, ive
> been trying to lock down the concept of wallet.
> I've come up with:
> "A wallet is a container of money"
> I dont distinguish between single user and multi user wallets, because, in
> the digital sense, it's the same code.
> So what I have is:
> #user   namespace : wallet  <URI>
> The URI of the wallet then can contain pointers to all the relevant
> details, e.g. where to find APIs, the name, where to send transactions.
> Then the URI is of type "Wallet".
> It seems like quite a simple model, another alternative would be to say
> "hasWallet", but that seemed a little ugly to me.
> Thoughts?

Received on Saturday, 16 May 2015 14:43:58 UTC