EMV on the Web - Is it actually possible?

The traditional payment industry have settled on using EMV for POS transactions.
That is, even Apple Pay use EMV by emulating physical cards over an NFC transport.

EMV is a very low-level card protocol which at least historically always depended on a trusted "Payment Terminal" which in turn did the actual talking with other systems including the POS.

Now to the question:
A merchant Web server indeed function as a virtual POS but it doesn't really replace the payment terminal.

Could this be yet another reason [1] to why EMV haven't made it on the Web?
If this is the case there's a need for a new payment protocol which unlike EMV should work equally well in a brick-and-mortar shop!


1] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-web-security/2015Feb/0101.html

Received on Sunday, 3 May 2015 06:36:28 UTC