Re: Mobile payments and Connectivity issue

On Sat, May 2, 2015 at 11:20 AM, Anders Rundgren <> wrote:

> Pushing [an encrypted locally signed transaction + a URL to the bank]
> through the merchant seems like a viable approach both for Web and Local
> payments.

Offline web payments is an even harder problem to solve, though handing
over a cryptographically signed transaction message for a merchant to push
when it connects in the future is a viable option. However, that would work
as legacy bank cheques and would require the merchant to trust both that
the buyer's account will have funds by the time the transaction is pushed
and that the provided signature hasn't been pushed before, unless the
merchant can hand over the message to sign, which would imply some P2P
connection between the buyer and the merchant, or a couple of QR code
exchanges for example.

Received on Saturday, 2 May 2015 16:37:12 UTC