Re: sketching out HTTP 402 workflow

On 27 July 2015 at 04:31, Steven Rowat <> wrote:

> On 7/26/15 2:56 PM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>> You can see a demo partly completed at:
>> Click on "Next Verse"
> Awesome!
> Just the kind of demo I've been hoping could happen for the last, oh, ten
> years?
> I'm not Dante, but I certainly have lots of material I could set up with
> something like this if/when it's operational (and/or beta).

Sure, actually it can already point to any text so long as it's split into
chapters and verses.

I'd like to add some more texts e.g. from

And maybe finnegans wake (my favourite!) :)

> Is pseudo-anonymity possible (for the payee)?

Great question.  I havent really thought this through.  But possibly yes.
How would you imagine pseudo-anonymity to work?

> Will accepting Bitcoin be possible? Paypal?

As it's decentralized, I dont decide.  Merchants and users will decide on
the currency.  But bitcoin is the default, so far :)

> O what fun. :-)
> SR
>>     I'll be using the SoLiD framework for this.
>>     Anyone see any obvious flaws in the workflow?
>>     [1]

Received on Monday, 27 July 2015 08:12:16 UTC