Re: Unlinkability. Re: Building Linked Data into the Core of the Web

On 9/23/14 1:12 AM, Anders Rundgren wrote:
> On 2014-09-22 21:15, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> On 9/22/14 11:32 AM, Anders Rundgren wrote:
>>> On 2014-09-22 13:16, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>>>> On 9/22/14 2:31 AM, Anders Rundgren wrote:
>>>>> I'm by no means an enemy to Linked Data, I just don't see what it
>>>>> would do for *conventional* payments except for introducing privacy
>>>>> and access control concerns.
>>>> Please take time to digest:
>>>> [1]
>>>> [2]
>>>> .
>>>> You cannot make a moderately usable system without an identification
>>>> mechanism that isn't yet another data silo.
>>>> *conventional* payments are an application of data driven
>>>> identification, interaction, and management.
>>> My only ambition has been describing how you could "webify" an
>>> existing payment system,
>>> *without* changing data ownership, relationships, business-, trust-,
>>> or privacy-models.
>> You can't achieve that goal, in any non contradictory way, if you've
>> somehow convinced yourself that Linked Open Data and Webify aren't
>> inextricably linked.
>> "*without* changing data ownership, relationships, business-, trust-, or
>> privacy-models." is just another way of saying: structured data
>> representation + entity relationship semantics, without
>> data-silo-fication. That's exactly what RDF based Linked Open Data is
>> fundamentally about, period [1].
>>> Since the main problem with identity information is not the
>>> information itself but
>>> how it will be used after being submitted, it seems like a safe(r) bet
>>> minimizing
>>> exposure of such data.
>> Linked Open Data never means "uncontrolled or unconstrained access to
>> data" [1].
>>>    This is a corner-stone of my write-up.  Another example is
>>> FIDO which (at least on paper...) is the opposite to Linked Data since
>>> each site
>>> is supposed to be an identity silo.  In practice FIDO doesn't work as
>>> Google claims
>>> but that's altogether different discussion :-)
>> You can conditionally constrain access to data using data access 
>> policies.
> Yes, but if there is a way getting away from that by for example doing
> what my write-up does (encrypting the user's response and identity so 
> that
> it is only readable by the sole party that needs it), I think it is worth
> considering.

You don't want to get away from "data access policies" that are driven 
by logic baked into structured data representation.

You don't need to encrypt a subject's identity. Just as you don't need 
deeply personally identifiable data in a security token e.g., and X.509 

When you purchase a Ticket [1] for an event, does that ticket contain 
personally identifiable data that goes beyond enabling the ticket-holder 
attend an event? Does the event organizer know the name, home address, 
email address etc.. of the ticket-holder at row #7 seat #2 ?

A ticket is like a security token, and vice versa.


[1] -- About Ticket .

> Anyway, since my write-up is fairly complete, would it be possible to get
> concrete input on how it could be improved by adding Linked Data or do
> we always have to start from zero?
> BTW, I think this is VERY important because I'm surely not the only one
> out there who do not necessarily understand what the WebPayments CG
> is saying.  Personally, I think it would be quite useful if somebody
> did a simple write-up of how *they* would address credit-card payments
> on the web because then we would have something to compare with. If we
> are lucky we may even find a way combining the old and the new :-)
> If nothing helps we will surely go into the black:
> Cheers
> Anders
>> [1]
>> -- presentation that covers Linked Open Data and Attribute based Access
>> Controls working in tandem.
>> Kingsley
>>> Anders
>>>> Your point is inherently contradictory.
>>>> -- 
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Kingsley Idehen
>>>> Founder & CEO
>>>> OpenLink Software
>>>> Company Web:
>>>> Personal Weblog 1:
>>>> Personal Weblog 2:
>>>> Twitter Profile:
>>>> Google+ Profile:
>>>> LinkedIn Profile:
>>>> Personal 
>>>> WebID:


Kingsley Idehen 
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
Company Web:
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Received on Wednesday, 24 September 2014 12:09:44 UTC