Re: identifi -- identity system and signed web of trust

On 1 September 2014 00:42, Melvin Carvalho <> wrote:

> Looks like similar work to some going on in this group, from one of the
> bitcoin core developers.
> {
>     'signedData':
>     {
>         'timestamp': 1373924495,
>         'author':
>         [
>             ['name', 'Alice Smith'],
>             ['email', '']
>         ],
>         'recipient':
>         [
>             ['nick', 'Bob the Builder'],
>             ['url',''],
>             ['url',''],
>             ['depiction','magnet:<photo hash>?xs=']
>         ],
>         'responseTo': ['magnet:<hash of bob's message>'],
>         'type': 'review',
>         'comment': 'Bought a laptop from Bob. Thanks for the trade!',
>         'rating': 1,
>         'maxRating': 10,
>         'minRating': -10
>     },
>     'signature':
>     {
>         'signerPubKey': 'RXfBZLerFkiD9k3LgreFbiGEyNFjxRc61YxAdPtHPy7HpDDxBQB62UBJLDniZwxXcf849WSra1u6TDCvUtdJxFJU',
>         'signature': 'AN1rKoqJauDSAeJFjoCayzCk7iYjVLBtCMeACm5xG6mup6cVkw7zrWrZk35W2K7892KKstbdqEpRYWVPejKLDw12HPnF3fQCH'
>     }
> }
Martti Malmi is a former computer science student from Helsinki University
of Technology who nowadays works as a software developer. He is well-known
for being the first person to join Satoshi Nakamoto in the development of
Bitcoin. In this interview he will tell you about how it all started in
2009, when he was looking into digital currencies as something that could
give people more control over their own life and finance. We’ll also ask
him everything about his latest project, Identifi; a decentralized
identification and reputation database on a peer-to-peer network.FYI:

Received on Thursday, 18 September 2014 12:40:57 UTC