Re: Agenda: Web Payments Telecon - Wednesday, March 19th 2014

Reuters Article by Jeremy Wagstaff is now out here:-

Bitcoin's promise: a financial revolution the web's been waiting for


On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 10:12 PM, Pindar Wong <> wrote:

> Sorry that I'm unable to join this evening's call.
> What I wanted to say was:
> 1) There was some press follow-up from my APRICOT keynote. I did an
> interview with Reuters and made them aware of next week's meeting.
> Hopefully the article, bitcoin related, will be out later this week.
> 2) Really glad that the papers accepted by the program committee have
> been  published in advance of the meeting (at the bottom of agenda<>).
> Given how early days it is, perhaps the prog. cmte can also consider
> publishing all the submissions after the event given the effort that some
> have put in to prepare them.
> 3) I understand there will be irc via channel:
> #W3Cpayments, but pls. consider  whether the sessions can be recorded for
> later streaming.
> Tks. and have a great meeting!
> p.
> On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 4:35 AM, Manu Sporny <>wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> The Web Payments Workshop is next week and it has an amazing lineup of
>> attendees. 100% capacity, almost all of them major international players
>> in the payments space. It's hard to imagine a better turnout.
>> On the agenda this week is an overview of the Web Payments Workshop
>> Agenda for next week, figuring out where we are on the use cases, and
>> doing an update on Credential-based Login. This will be a 60 minute call.
>> If you would like to add or change anything on the Agenda, please send
>> the request to the mailing list before the telecon or mention the
>> changes at the beginning of the call.
>> The dial-in information as well as minutes and audio logs of previous
>> meetings can be found here:
>> ==========
>> Wednesday, March 19th 2014
>> Time: 1500 UTC / 8am San Francisco / 11am Boston / 3pm London / 11pm HKT
>> Digital Bazaar Telecon Bridge
>> SIP:
>> Phone US: +1.540.961.4469 x6300
>> irc://
>> Duration: 60 minutes
>> Scribes: Manu, Longley, Lehn, Joseph
>> ==========
>> Agenda
>> 1. Web Payments Workshop Agenda
>>    *
>> 2. Web Payments Mobile Use Cases
>>    *
>> 3. Credential-based Login
>>    * Telehash chat w/ Jeremie Miller
>>    *
>> 4. HTTP Signatures Update
>>    * Recent suggestions from Mark Nottingham and Julian Reschke
>> -- manu
>> --
>> Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
>> Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
>> blog: Meritora - Web payments commercial launch

Received on Friday, 21 March 2014 02:40:31 UTC