Re: Proof of Concept: Identity Credentials Login

On 06/10/2014 06:25 AM, Manu Sporny wrote:
> TL;DR: There is now an open source demo of credential-based login
> for the Web. We think it’s better than Persona, WebID+TLS, and
> OpenID Connect. If we can build enough support for Identity
> Credentials over the next year, we’d like to standardize it via
> the W3C.

I find it very impressing especially since you got running pushed to a
public repo - kudos++

First question coming to my mind:

"The way that both Mozilla Persona and OpenID do it is fairly similar.
OpenID assumes that your email address maps to your identity provider."

In my case, and I believe nowadays quite many other people, I control
domain which I use for email address. With simple DNS configuration I
use different 'providers' for my email server and my web server (here
In this situation I find using webfinger[1] (also used by OpenID
Connect), more attractive then hiding from myself via - even if His Holiness @Pontifex with His Holiness
@DalaiLama would run it very carefully together ;)

I still need to take some time and wrap my head around your design but
maybe you could easily evaluate complexity of including webfinger based
flow as an alternative option for those who may prefer such setup?

Once again - GREAT WORK!!!


Received on Wednesday, 11 June 2014 22:05:44 UTC