Re: FW: [W3C Webmob] PAYMENTS TASK FORCE: Setup and ready to go!

Will this be a work item during the teleconference tomorrow? We are meeting?

On Wednesday, February 19, 2014, Brent Shambaugh <>

> I'm not feeling great. I am going to wait until the WebPayments CG
> conference. -Brent
> On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 9:24 PM, Brent Shambaugh <
> > wrote:
>> Hey All, I have been looking over this list in addition to the WebMob
>> material. I am even reviewing Natasha's post about GitHub. I expect others
>> in this group will step in to ensure its success. I plan on attending the
>> WebMob teleconference as well as the one for the WebPayments CG. I do
>> expect that Manu will have a lot to say during the WebPayments
>> teleconference. My hope is to make things easier.
>> -Brent
>> On Monday, February 17, 2014, Natasha Rooney <<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','');>>
>> wrote:
>>> On 17/02/2014 02:45, "Manu Sporny" <> wrote:
>>> >Hey Natasha, I'd be happy to put this on the Web Payments CG Agenda and
>>> >have us grind through Webmob payments TF issues every week or so, if
>>> >that would help (raise / answer issues). I don't think we'd be the best
>>> >to format the doc, perhaps someone from the mobile payments space?
>>> >
>>> >Got a link to the github issue tracker, for starters?
>>> Sorry I should have included this!
>>> As stated to Brent I need someone who can:
>>> 1. Keep an eye on the issues and answer any that need answering
>>> 2. Review and pull in the pull requests when they are received
>>> 3. Provide some encouragement to the people helping out on the document
>>> 4. Raise issues and make edits as you see fit!
>>> Issues will be things like OEAdd an auto-complete use case and show
>>> screenshot of this working on google walletą. Then, someone working on
>>> this will go edit the main document to include this and raise a pull
>>> request, and the person in charge will then accept that pull request and
>>> add it to the main document. Easy! (I hope!)
>>> I am super happy to attend the call on Wednesday, I may be a little late,
>>> but should be there and can talk through this there!
>>> Thanks again Manu!
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Received on Tuesday, 25 February 2014 16:27:27 UTC