Mozilla Persona, lessons learned

Of interest to this group since we were counting on Persona being one of
the login solutions that we'd use to transmit richer customer data to
merchants (primarily payment processor and address information):

Of particular interest:

What did we learn?

Persona should be pared down to its core: a decentralized email
verification and login API for the web. No more session management, no
attribute exchange.

Persona should be built natively into Firefox, Fennec and Firefox OS to
make the JavaScript shim unnecessary on these platforms. The base
functionality should be cross-browser, but the experience should be
optimized for the native platforms.

Sites should control most of the user flow and Persona should be almost
invisible to users.

Sites should be able to offer these benefits to their users with a
native UA implementation: better UX, reduced login friction and phishing

In related news, Lloyd H. has left Mozilla. With the departure of Ben
Adida last year, I'm wondering who's taking over the project. From what
I gather both Ben and Lloyd started the work... wonder who is going to
finish the work and how it's going to get finished. Thoughts, Kumar?

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: The Worlds First Web Payments Workshop

Received on Saturday, 15 February 2014 19:57:53 UTC