The Digest Class (Security Vocab)

I was just looking at the digest class [1]

It seems to contain an algorithm and a value.  I was wondering if it was
known that the ni: URI scheme (formerly the di: URI scheme) from RFC 6920
"Naming things with hashes" does exactly this.  I extensively use ni:/// to
create distributed databases and it has an added advantage of being
dereferancable via the .well-known/ni/<alg>/<digest> pattern.

Are there thoughts here regarding reuse?


2. Classes 2.1 Digest

This class represents a message digest that may be used for data integrity
verification. The digest algorithm used will determine the cryptographic
properties of the digest.
StatusstableParent Classowl:ThingExpected propertiesdigestAlgorithm,

The example below describes a cryptographic digest:
Example 1

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Digest",
  "digestAlgorithm": "",
  "digestValue": "981ec496092bf6ee18d6255d96069b528633268b"

Received on Monday, 21 April 2014 21:33:26 UTC