Semantic web - web-payments website.

I've just looked at the website again. 

The words - linked data - appear, but are not very well highlighted.

May I suggest, 

On the front page of that sight, have something perhaps headlined (like products, transactions, etc.) that says something like "semantic web", then described by stating something along the lines of "the premise of the web-payments specification is to incorporate semantic web requirements into a functional specification for the use in commerce",  (web payments - not specifically inferred to be cash equivalents).

Or some thing along those lines.  

I also know you've made a few videos ie:

Perhaps an introduction to "semantic web" (given in-part we need the eyes and ears of commercial stakeholders, so using mkt. Language is also needed, to give some understanding around why we're bothering to revisit the concept of web-payments standards..)

I'm particularly interested in business cases that relate to data, rather than commerce.  I'd call this a "postage stamp" like business case, where it is not the value of the transaction that is of most concern, but rather the content of the transmission in relation to that transaction, as verified by the transaction.  These types of concepts would make no-sense in a web2 world, and are therefore an area of development rather than reinventing wheels that already do the job well...


Received on Friday, 11 April 2014 05:50:14 UTC