Web Payments Telecon Minutes for 2013-10-23

Thanks to Dave Lehn for scribing today! The minutes for this week's Web
Payments telecon are now available here:


Full text of the discussion follows for archival purposes at the W3C.
Audio of the meeting is available as well (link provided below).

Web Payments Community Group Telecon Minutes for 2013-10-23

    1. Upcoming meetings in Hong Kong and China
    2. Web Payments at W3C Technical Plenary
    3. Web Payments in Silicon Valley (last week)
    4. Web Payments at United Nations / IGF 2013
    5. Web Payments WG Charter Proposal
    Manu Sporny
    David I. Lehn
    David I. Lehn, Manu Sporny, Pindar Wong, Dave Raggett,
    Kumar McMillan, Dave Longley, Evan Schwartz, Madhu Nott

David I. Lehn is scribing.

Topic: Upcoming meetings in Hong Kong and China

Manu Sporny:  We have a number of public events coming up in Hong
    Kong and Shenzen, China over the next 3 weeks that deal with Web
    Payments, Linked Data, and the work we're doing here:
Manu Sporny: Tuesday October 29, Open Data and Creative Commons
Manu Sporny: 
Manu Sporny: Finance Innovation Forum 2013, Nov 5, 11.00 HKT
Manu Sporny: Keynote 4: The rise of web payments and implications
    for banks and Hong Kong
Manu Sporny:
Pindar Wong:  Two public meetings being circulated.  One that is
    directly web payments related on the 5th of November, the
    Financial Innovation Forum.  Manu is keynoting on that.  This is
    going to be the highlight as far as I'm concerned.  Manu is going
    to meet with members working on open data to talk about JSON-LD
    on Tuesday October the 29th.  Those are the public meetings.
    We'll be there for two weeks so there will be private meetings.
    If you know of anyone interested we'd love to meet up face to
Pindar Wong:  Publicize this where relevant.  The effort at IGF
    and Hong Kong is to manage expectations and solicit talent into
    the group where talent is needed.
Manu Sporny:  Another thing we'll try to do while in Honk Kong is
    try to get local banking community involved in these meetings.
    We have two public meetings where banks could attend anonymously
    or pseudo-anonymously and learn more about the work we're doing.
Manu Sporny:  This is a follow up from talking with many of the
    international banks at SIBOS 2013. World banks we met with in
    Dubai may be interested in these meetings. We're going to be
    talking about Yuan liberalization and the part that Web Payments
    may play in that strategy.  Hong Kong is big financial center.
    Have a number of international banks we talked to at SIBOS are
    based in Hong Kong.  Trying to meet up with Hong Kong
    counterparts to continue to conversation.
Manu Sporny:  After meetings in Hong Kong next two weeks is the
    W3C TPAC and I'll be attending and doing talks on web payments.
Dave Raggett: TPAC web site http://www.w3.org/2013/11/TPAC/
Manu Sporny:  This week is meeting in Bali with Internet
    Governance Forum (IGF), part of United Nations, next two weeks in
    Hong Kong talking to world banks, creative commons, and open data
    initiatives, the following week is the W3C TPAC.

Topic: Web Payments at W3C Technical Plenary

Manu Sporny:  Need to plan for W3C web payments workshop coming
    up in 2014 in Paris.  Dave Raggett could you give background and
    where we are on that meeting?
Dave Raggett:  Sure.  First off, I'm a member of the W3C staff
    and have worked with them since about the beginning of the W3C.
    I'm organizing this workshop and it's slipped a month from
    February to late March.  It will be held in the old stock
    exchange in Paris.  We're in the process of sorting out the
    details now.
Manu Sporny:  Is the idea that we're trying to get as many
    government organizations, banks, payment companies, (broad
    constituency) into the workshop and then decide what the charter
    will be after that fact? [scribe assist by Dave Longley]
Manu Sporny:  Or is it more general from a W3C perspective, more
    like a meeting where we see if there's interest at all and figure
    out the charter at a later point? [scribe assist by Dave Longley]
Dave Raggett:  I think it's about general interest and look for
    momentum and consensus to get something done, we have to have a
    broad enough constituency and we need key players to make sure
    it's well deployed [scribe assist by Dave Longley]
Manu Sporny:  Is venue and date nailed down?
Dave Raggett:  February fell through, may be last week of March.
Manu Sporny:  Please send out details once we know them, a number
    of large banks and technology companies are asking for a venue
    and date so that they can schedule their folks to attend.
Dave Raggett:  Will do that.
Dave Raggett:  Who's going to TPAC?
Manu Sporny:  I'll be there, not sure who else will be. TPAC is
    pretty W3C specific *and* it's in China. Many of the banking and
    payment communities have no reason to attend, or if they do, it's
    hard for them to do so.  We'll try to have a breakout session if
    there is enough interest in Web Payments. There will be a number
    of presentations on Web Payments and Linked Data. I'll be meeting
    face-to-face w/ other groups whose work we depend on (Web Crypto,
    Sys Apps (NFC), Web Apps (Request Autocomplete), etc)

Topic: Web Payments in Silicon Valley (last week)

Manu Sporny:  Met with a number of large tech companies, about 8
    of them. Won't say who because most of them don't want to be on
    record as being interested.
Manu Sporny:  These are companies that are involved in payments
    work or online finance initiatives.  Lots of interest in web
    payments work.
Manu Sporny:  I went through though our specs with them and each
    one pointed out which specs are of interest to them. Those are
    what's in the charter proposal we'll discuss later in the call.
    interest in new specific specs.
Manu Sporny:  Companies are interested in joining web payments
    group, or have already done so anonymously.
Manu Sporny:  Companies might want to provide letters of support
    vs coming to workshops.
Dave Raggett:  Better if companies come to workshop to engage in
    discussion, but other support is helpful.
Manu Sporny:  How much support is needed?
Dave Raggett:  We can support about a hundred people for the
    workshop.  It's not just about numbers but commitment.
Dave Raggett:  For instance, for a browser API to be successful,
    we'd need browser vendors commitment.

Topic: Web Payments at United Nations / IGF 2013

Manu Sporny:  I've been at the Internet Governance Forum this
    week presenting on Web Payments. The IGF is a group chartered by
    the United Nations to figure out regulatory and policy issues
    around the Internet, human rights, financial equiality, etc.  Web
    payments work received well.  Met with many government
    representatives.  Good interest.  They want to get our work into
    emerging nations and I've been approached by key figures at the
    World Bank, large international banks, and emerging nation
    governments. Web Payments has been on many of the agendas at the
    conference and people's eyes light up when I say that we're with
    the W3C and we're working on a universal standard for payment on
    the Web.
Manu Sporny:  There is a lack of standards for managing value
    exchange via the Web.  There's a need for web payments, and these
    governments know it. It's a pain point for them, so that we're
    coming in with a solution is being very well received.
Manu Sporny:  I'm trying to get many of these people to the Web
    Payments workshop during the last week of March in Paris in 2014.

Topic: Web Payments WG Charter Proposal

Manu Sporny:  We need to narrow work this group can effectively
    address. We have a number of specs that we could feed into an
    official W3C Web Payments WG.
Manu Sporny:  I sent an email to the group about all the work
    we've been working on.
Manu Sporny:
Manu Sporny:  The specs are broken into 3 categories: specs that
    are almost done, specs that could be published as a first public
    working draft soon, and specs that need lots of work to be
    considered for inclusion.
Manu Sporny:  kumar, talked about Secure Frame, do we want to add
    that to charter?
Kumar McMillan:  Secure Frame doesn't have clear owner at Mozilla
Kumar McMillan:  Of all work we've done on payments, we have the
    least experience with it
Manu Sporny:  Ok, so we might want to wait on that, but we have
    some time to make the decision.
Kumar McMillan:  Might be premature to propose anything now (4-5
    mo).  Can advise on what didn't work.  Can offer insight into
    carrier billing.  That is turning into most concrete web
    platform.  Things like initiating SMS for carrier billing.
Manu Sporny:  So, Mozilla might want to contribute SMS carrier
    billing work, but that's about it?
Kumar McMillan:  Yes, might get geo location, device interaction
Manu Sporny:  Ok, let's talk about the 'specs that are almost
Manu Sporny:  [overview of rdfa 1.1].  RDFa basically done along
    with associated specs.  Not much else that needs to be done for
    payments group to express products and items for sale.
Manu Sporny:  [overview of JSON-LD] JSON-LD going through final
    spec process as we speak.  Should be finalized soon.
Manu Sporny:  believe that will be web standard by the end of the
Manu Sporny:  [overview of HTTP Signatures]  Using for payswarm
    work, publishing via IETF, may not make it through this cycle of
    IETF spec publications.
Manu Sporny:  Will try to push through if possible.  May also try
    to use a W3C web payments charter to do the work here. That's
    kinda how HTTP 2.0 is being developed.
Manu Sporny:  Those specs are mostly done with high possibility
    of success without a web payments charter.
Manu Sporny:  Let's now discuss 'Specs that could be drafts'
Manu Sporny:  These are specs that could be published as first
    pubic working drafts by mid next year.
Manu Sporny:  [overview of HTTP Keys]  About doing secure messing
    via json-ld.
Manu Sporny:  Makes web into decentralized key infrastrucure.
    Implementations available, needs some work to be publishable and
    the spec needs a new name.
Manu Sporny:  [overview of RequestAutocomplete]  First use is
    filling out credit card and address info.  Google is pushing this
    through the Web Apps WG, so they probably wouldn't want to put it
    in Web Payments WG.
Manu Sporny:  [overview of web payments, web commerce specs].
    specs out of date, but implementations exist like
Manu Sporny:  all these previously discussed specs come together
    in the web payments and web commerce specs, it's the reason RDFa,
    JSON-LD, Secure Messaging/HTTP Keys, etc. exist.
Manu Sporny:  Are there other specs that we could get into the
    work for near term publication?
Dave Longley:  We might want to get RDF graph nomalization spec
    in there.
Manu Sporny:  Need that to normalize data to digitally sign for
    payswarm work.
Manu Sporny:  It's a highly technical spec, need to make sure it
    is technically correct.
Dave Longley:  new algorithm is simpler than older one, may be
    easier to update.
Manu Sporny:  Other specs to put in here?  Carrier billing spec
    from Mozilla?
Kumar McMillan:  Didn't mention it since we might not have enough
    time. Don't think we could get something done in 2 months.
Manu Sporny:  Doesn't have to be two months but we need an idea
    of who is working on these specs.  Need editors and commitments
    on specs to see it through publication.  Without commitment we
    won't put it in the charter.  Need at least one and ideally two
Manu Sporny:  There's time to discuss if things get in the
    charter, we still have a few months of wiggle room.
Manu Sporny:  Let's discuss the 'Specs we need to create'
Manu Sporny:  [payment intents overview].  There has been
    innovation on crowdfunding since this spec was written.  May need
    to look at other solutions from groups such as bitcoin and ripple
Manu Sporny:  Need to talk to Ripple Labs to see how we can
Evan Schwartz:  Yes, we need to have conversation about how we
    can collaborate on this stuff. The programmable contracts stuff
    is something that's key to Ripple and we'd like to find a way to
    leverage that in the Web Payments group.
Manu Sporny:  May have higher level developer specs that tie into
    backend Ripple network that does heavy lifting.
Manu Sporny:  [rdf graph normalization overview].  Not sure if we
    have time and resources for this, but it's improtant for digital
    signatures on JSON-LD data.
Manu Sporny:  [web identity overview].  We want to hook into
    Mozilla Persona.  Spec not written yet.  Lots of initiatives for
    web identity.
Manu Sporny:  resources spread thin, may not be able to work on
    this, which would be a shame because I think we have a solid
    solution to the problem of Know Your Customer.
Manu Sporny:  [secure frame spec]. requirements are too loose
    now, may take work to get it to spec state.
Manu Sporny:  [external payment initiation overview].
David I. Lehn:  What's different between payments intents?
Dave Longley:  name is confusing, external payments initiation
    closer to web intents, payment intents more about crowdfunding
    and similar.
Manu Sporny:  payments initiation allows callout to external
    application and response back to browser. Folks like Bitcoin or
    Ripple could use it to initiate and carry out a payment. no spec
    or editor yet.
Manu Sporny:  That was a rundown of all the specs we've been
    involved in.
Manu Sporny:  Some feedback that group is working on too much at
Kumar McMillan:  Comment on external payments initiation.  People
    working on NFC payments.  Similar to Secure Element work in SIM
    cards.  They have Web NFC API now.
Dave Raggett:  W3C has NFC working group about to publish a
    draft.  Has a payments use case. Work in other groups relevant to
    this group.
Manu Sporny:  I was not aware the NFC stuff was that far along.
Dave Raggett:  Should be out in a few days. Lots of this stuff,
    including payments, may need browser buy-in.
Manu Sporny:  We have designed the Web Payments stuff to not need
    any browser buy-in. We wanted to have APIs not require browser
    buy-in.  But get advantages if browser are involved.
Manu Sporny:  Does this path look right or wrong?  Do we want to
    proceed down this path?
No objections from group to current direction.
Manu Sporny:  thanks for the summary. I need to drop off for
    another meeting. [scribe assist by Kumar McMillan]
Madhu Nott:  I'd like clarification on why these specs were
Manu Sporny:  Before the community group was started some of
    these specs were being worked on.  Minimum bar is having editors
    and interest to work on each spec and carrying them through the
    W3C Process, which can take 3-4 years. The specs that are being
    considered have developer commitments, implementations, and
Manu Sporny:  Other comments on the direction of the group?
No comments from the group.
Manu Sporny:  Ok, then we'll try to use this as a basis for a
    charter for the group.  Won't be set in stone for a very long
    while.  Even after workshop in 2014, we can make changes.
Manu Sporny:  The next step will be to formulate the charter. Let
    the group know if you have any issues with the direction as you
    think of issues. Thanks for the call everyone, we'll chat next

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: Meritora - Web payments commercial launch

Received on Thursday, 24 October 2013 03:31:59 UTC