Introducing myself (new member)

Greetings, I just signed up for the Web Payments group. I'm Matt Morgan. 
I have about 20 years experience in nonprofit IT/Digital/Web, and maybe 
bring some experience with the desires of not-for-profits/NGOs to the 
group. I've been at Environmental Defense Fund, Brooklyn Museum, The 
Metropolitan Museum of Art, and The New York Public Library.

The story of how I got here might be an interesting way to tell you more 
about me. In applying to attend the recent EDGE Conference in New York 
City, I hypothesized about an online payment system where value could be 
attached to a website user's login account (e.g., your library card), 
and then dispensed contextually a little bit at a time. For example, you 
can get a book for free at the Library, but maybe one time in ten you'd 
gladly give a dollar to the library in exchange for that service. Or 
maybe you'll throw in an extra dollar when paying your 25 cent fine. 
NYPL could probably collect $1M a year from small donations like that, 
but not if you have to find your wallet and pull out a credit card every 
time. That was enough to get me invited to the show, and there I got 
connected with Manu Sporny.

That said, I'm continually confused by online payments and have 
struggled to understand them every time I've faced them in my career, 
from the very first time (I think it was getting CyberCash set up in 
Lotus Domino in maybe 1998--never worked). So I expect to learn more 
from the group than it learns from me!


Received on Tuesday, 1 October 2013 21:33:49 UTC