First WEB credits transaction today!

Nathan and I were playing around with the interface today and we
discovered that you can use it to issue web based currency based on your
ripple address.

We succeeded in getting a trust line going got a transaction into the
ripple ledger at entry 627613.  Since ripple requires a 3 letter ISO we
decided to use WEB.  Though through the magic of JSON LD I think this can
be converted to a URI.

So what it means is that any URI can issue WEB credits.  Tie the URI to a
ripple boostrap via

<> foaf : account <ripple:r38363268...>

Which is generally an IFP.  Note that the ripple bootstrap is just for
convenience, you can layer on more trust.

Then use that account to issue a genesis block for how many credits you
wish to issue.

Then record transactions out of band and use ripple to process netting as

You will be the steward of your own credits.  Whether they are worth
anything or not, will be up to the market!  Enjoy! :)

Received on Sunday, 5 May 2013 21:42:36 UTC