Re: The Earth Reserve Index [WAS: Energy as the ultimate currency (which was: Re: Ripple)

On 12/14/13 5:25 PM, Joseph Potvin wrote:
>  Just two pages are terribly dense, sorry.  Would be very grateful
> for feedback, brief or detailed, critical or otherwise.

Is there only that PDF? (I'm hoping for an HTML version).

If so, I did find it too crammed to read (page leading, paragraph 
indents, space between paragraphs, etc.). If it was easy going, or not 
important, I wouldn't complain. But it seems to be both important and 
grammatically dense; it taxes my brain even if not crammed together so 
that it's physically hard to read.

Example, the second sentence:

"An ER Index is constructed from a selection of 
independently-verifiable geo-spatial
time-series biophysical indicators that reflect relative trends in 
ecosystem integrity and resource availability."

You've got a noun with *seven* adjective modifiers there (if you count 
the parts of the compound words), and as a naive reader I'll need all 
the help I can get not to bog down right there and bail out. In fact I 
did bail out.  ;-)

I apologize if it seems I'm being picky, but there's my feedback.  :-)

Steven Rowat

Received on Sunday, 15 December 2013 02:53:39 UTC