On 4/21/13 10:30 PM, Manu Sporny wrote:
>> >Keys*can* have URLs as per the cert ontology. They can be blank
>> >nodes too, which I think is currently more common. I use a URL.
> It's Linked Data, you*can* do anything. The question here is MUST. In
> Web Keys, keys MUST have a URL. That requirement makes it so that you
> can depend on that URL when verifying digital signatures.
Do you have an example of a 5-star Linked Data URI that denotes a public
1. http://bit.ly/P0HVdI -- post about the virtues of having a URI that
denotes a public key
-- note the resulting graph honors the Linked Data follow-your-nose pattern
-- vapour report (note: this is rdf/xml specific, we are about to
release a variant that covers all RDF based Linked Data serialization
formats which includes JSON-LD).
Kingsley Idehen
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
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