Re: W3C Trust Community Group

We (Ian Jacobs and I) are available to help with questions on  
infrastructure and such.

I have contacted that group at two occasions in March and September,  
principally about the lack of chair but have not heard back.

If Melvin wanted, he could very well take leadership of that CG (that is  
option 1 described below).
Again, info on how to choose a chair:  

I have cc'ed Dominik Tomaszuk, who proposed the group in August 2011.


On Sun, 23 Sep 2012 16:31:29 +0200, Melvin Carvalho  
<> wrote:

> We currently have the following Community Group in W3C
> Uncertainty, Trust and the Semantic Web Community
> Group<>
> However there is little activity to date and it has no chair.  So I  
> suspect
> it may be right now on the cull list.
> I see Trust as a vital ingredient for the maturing Payments Web and Read
> Write Web.
> 'The trust engine is the most powerful sort of agent on the Semantic Web'
> -- Tim Berners-Lee, Weaving the Web
> So the question is what shall we do with the Trust Group?
> 1. Find a chair and try and make it active?
> 2. Fold it into another group such as payments or RWW
> 3. Abandon it
> I really think (3) is not the way to go as it's going to be key for the  
> Web
> to have an open trust infrastructure.  I hope reasons for this should be
> self evident but it could be a discussion point.
> BTW I've made some rough notes on a wiki page regarding some related  
> work,
> including some of Oshani's excellent papers:

   Coralie Mercier  -  W3C Communications Team  -
      W3C/ERCIM - B219 - 2004, rte des lucioles - 06410 Biot - FR +33492387590

Received on Monday, 24 September 2012 06:53:11 UTC