Re: Linking XBRL to RDF: The Road To Extracting Financial Data For Business Value

I am quite interested in this area as well. I've dismissed XRBL for years
as being way to complex. If some simpler RDF vocabulary could be created I
would be be interested in using it.


On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 4:22 PM, Kingsley Idehen <>wrote:

> On 9/11/12 3:53 PM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>> to-extracting-financial-data-**for-business-value_b31987<>
> Trouble is that post links to nothing. I was hoping to see links to an
> actual project etc..
> Here are links to what exists re. XBRL and Linked Data for a few years
> now. I someone can get me links, I'll add to my bookmark collection.
> Graham please note. I'll also be at MIT tonight, so we can catch up, if
> you're there :-)
> Links:
> 1.**xbrl+xbrl_linkeddata_demo<>-- my old bookmark collection (note: URIBurner is going through an unstable
> phase so you get broken links or "limit exceeded" errors
> 2. -- Microsoft Statement snippet that I just
> transformed into Linked Data "on the fly" from an XBRL instance data
> document
> 3.**semanticxbrl/html/<>-- another effort that started in parallel with ours, a few years ago.
> --
> Regards,
> Kingsley Idehen
> Founder & CEO
> OpenLink Software
> Company Web:
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Received on Tuesday, 11 September 2012 22:31:31 UTC