Re: Payments as a CSV

On 20 September 2012 11:46, Melvin Carvalho <>wrote:

> I was looking recently at the way that paypal handle bulk payments ... a
> screenshot is below
> <user1>  <amount>  <currency>  <user2>  <comment>
> I realized this is very close to the webcredits fields without the
> timestamp, and some of the meta fields (eg id, type, context, scheme)
> I figured this might be a nice shorthand to store IOUs e.g. on paper, or
> on a phone etc
> Alice     10      USD     Bob     pizza
> For example could be a line easily transerable to a universal webcredits
> format

dwolla mass pay seems to have a different csv format :

> Rules:
> Alice -> Is looked up to go from a local identifier to a universal on
> processing
> 10 -> is validated as a float
> Bob -> Is looked up to go from a local identifier to a universal on
> processing
> pizza -> is processed for escaped characters and recorded as a string
> Two questions
> 1. Which delimiter to use, or leave it open as per csv
> 2. Add timestamp as optional or just take it from the file?

Received on Monday, 22 October 2012 16:31:24 UTC