On 30 November 2012 04:33, David Nicol <davidnicol@gmail.com> wrote:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Substitute_check uses "payor" and "payee"
> the first time the concepts appear
> http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-108hr1474enr/pdf/BILLS-108hr1474enr.pdfthe Check 21 act uses "drawer" and "payee"
> the 1996 tipjar.com give form use(d) "from" and "recipient"
Matt Slater uses payer and payee in his Drupal table. I thought about
this, then decided to align with payswarm since the documentation was
already written.
> --
> One day, Mrs. Taylor told me that she used to have another kid, but that
> he had apparently fallen down one of the holes. Her description was very
> abstract. She said: “Well one day I saw him out there and I was watching
> and then I didn’t see him out there no more.”