Listing with multiple Currencies and Authorities


Looking at:

I would like to ask for pointers to documentation helpful with case when someone creates a *Listing* for an *Asset* and wants to accept multiple currencies through multiple *Authorities*.

As an example someone in such *Listing* would announce willingness to accept $ with few authorities but also accept something like: or any other *roll you own* currencies...

Asking another way - which resources I should point friends who work on designing currencies (ex. dropis) - so they can make them work with PaySwarm?

Also in bit more visual way, looking at illustration at: , case in the middle seams dominant nowadays, I look at the 3rd, IMO much more liberal case, where listings can have any number of currencies assigned to them :)

☮ elf Pavlik ☮

Received on Monday, 24 December 2012 22:52:00 UTC