- From: Manu Sporny <msporny@digitalbazaar.com>
- Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2011 17:44:27 -0500
- To: Web Payments <public-webpayments@w3.org>
The minutes for today's call are now available here, thanks to Mike Johnson for scribing: http://payswarm.com/minutes/2011-11-18/ Full text of the discussion follows: Web Payments Community Group Telecon Minutes for 2011-11-18 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webpayments/2011Nov/0026.html Facilitator: Manu Sporny Scribe: Mike Johnson Present: Mike Johnson, Manu Sporny, Jose 'Manny' De Loera, Pelle Braendgaard, David I. Lehn Mike Johnson is scribing. Topic: PaySwarm at W3Conf Manu Sporny: W3conf presentation went well, audience mostly shy but still had 1 question Manu Sporny: people came up after talk to discuss what the payment group was doing Manu Sporny: talked with representatives of browser vendors, got to talk in more depth about payments and browser integration Manu Sporny: browser vendors interested, but don't want to be identitfied yet. there is interest and they dont feel like our group is going the wrong direction Manu Sporny: watching people do the online demo was awkward, people didnt quite know where to go Manu Sporny: going to take some time to make demo website more clear about the direction of the payment process Manu Sporny: should be easy to find the demo and the spec, too many legacy links right now Manu Sporny: representatives from web foundation came up to chat about how these payments could be used in developing nations Manu Sporny: they offered to connect us with representatives from some developing states like those in India and Morocco Manu Sporny: also mentioned contacts at UN to extend payment into developing areas where poverty is high Manu Sporny: very hard to get people to join the group, they want a commercial launch or something they can use Manu Sporny: difficult to get people involved Manu Sporny: You can see the entire presentation video here: http://www.w3.org/conf/#Web_Payments Jose 'Manny' De Loera: Manu had a good presentation, got to see it streamed Manu Sporny: presentations are up and streamable now Manu Sporny: html5 demos presentation was very good: http://www.w3.org/conf/#Demo_Fest Topic: Development Update Manu Sporny: we've been bad about giving these updates on the mailing list, where the tech is at currently - we're making good progress Manu Sporny: we are going to release a new demo of the payment process, protocol has been re-written Manu Sporny: we changed from OAuth 1 to a custom protocol, this was after much heated discussion Manu Sporny: OAuth 1 had ended up making process more complicated Manu Sporny: OAuth 2 will not solve the tech problems we've run into Manu Sporny: we'll spec out the protocol as soon as possible Manu Sporny: technical issues have been worked out, need opinions about implementation feasibility Manu Sporny: any questions about demo update? Topic: JSON-LD Message Format Manu Sporny: typically messages have been using RDF graphs, using vocabs and prefixes Manu Sporny: For example: http://payswarm.com/vocabs/security#signature Manu Sporny: this is an example of a digital signature in JSON-LD, note the use of prefixes like "sec:". Manu Sporny: some feedback from W3 conference is that developers will not like colons in the vocab names Manu Sporny: if we don't have prefix names, we will eventually have name clashes Manu Sporny: the problem comes from extensibility and collision prevention Manu Sporny: examples of vocab clashes, names and descriptions, etc Manu Sporny: people don't necessarily like prefixes, but if we remove them there will be name clashes Pelle Braendgaard: I don't like prefixes, personally Manu Sporny: do we want to use prefix names or limit the system? Manu Sporny: should the network objects use non-prefix names? Pelle Braendgaard: I do not like prefixes, complicates code Pelle Braendgaard: there might be other ways to do it Pelle Braendgaard: should be one way instead of 20 to extend Pelle Braendgaard: add attributes in a sub hash or sub array Pelle Braendgaard: people from Ruby, Python, Javascript world won't like it Pelle Braendgaard: there may be other extensibility considerations Manu Sporny: there may be a hybrid alternative, use keywords and if people want to extend it they add prefixes Manu Sporny: JSON-LD is flexibile enough to allow people to map values to anything they want to - JSON-LD allows you to strip out prefix values but keep object in valid form Mike Johnson: This isn't exactly talking about vocab prefixes - any feedback on structures that we're using from W3Conf? [scribe assist by Manu Sporny] Manu Sporny: nothing specific Manu Sporny: they liked REST API and that we used JSON Mike Johnson: Yes, we need to figure out if they're going to have an issue with submitting JSON vs. a form POST. [scribe assist by Manu Sporny] Pelle Braendgaard: I agree about not using JSON for form submission, regular form encoding allows people to just submit data from Ruby or Python Pelle Braendgaard: form submission might be lowest common denominator Manu Sporny: wordpress plugin to payment server is JSON Manu Sporny: someone putting a button on their webpage will only have a simple GET URL to attach Manu Sporny: FOAF was causing problems with signatures Pelle Braendgaard: browser to server wouldn't be covered by signatures anyway Pelle Braendgaard: browser doesnt have a good way of doing signatures on POST data yet. Manu Sporny: one of the W3 conf presentations was about browser based encryption, so we will want to track that closely. Manu Sporny: keep an eye on it, move it into the browser, more technical issues but we have addressed a lot of that with the Web ID work Manu Sporny: complicated digital signatures on receipts needs a more robust object than a form post Manu Sporny: back to original question of prefixes Manu Sporny: people generally would like us to remove prefixes Mike Johnson: I think hybrid approach is good - strange characters in different elements on the page are an issue. [scribe assist by Manu Sporny] Mike Johnson: If people use strange characters in names, they might hit strange cases... because of using that content in IDs... there may be push-back on people using prefixes. Adding terms, extending vocabularies will be an issue... people will need to add vocabularies and prefixes. [scribe assist by Manu Sporny] Mike Johnson: I honestly don't know if they like ':' vs. '.' - hard to tell... maybe people have issues with ':' and not '.' [scribe assist by Manu Sporny] Manu Sporny: hard to tell why people don't like it, if some people started using the colon, they might not have an issue with it. Pelle Braendgaard: prefixes are confusing to the eye Pelle Braendgaard: the whole prefixing thing tended to turn people off XML, for example Pelle Braendgaard: the prefixes ended up being mostly useless information, lots of management overhead Pelle Braendgaard: enterprise developers are used to it, but a new generation of developers wont want to deal with it Pelle Braendgaard: also why extensibility is important Pelle Braendgaard: don't make the basic stuff complex, allow people to add the complexity on top of that Pelle Braendgaard: I suspect that it is one of the reasons RDF never took off, average developer will prefer simple naming Manu Sporny: In general, we should try to get rid of prefixes if we can Manu Sporny: support for JSON-LD has libraries for javascript, python, ruby, erlang, php and c++ Manu Sporny: but we should try to simplify, I agree. Manu Sporny: JSON-LD contexts will have foaf and payswarm and security and a number of others. Manu Sporny: but also generate a series of general terms we can use instead of prefix names Mike Johnson: Yes, feedback from outside the development group working on PaySwarm is good. This stuff can be confusing - all the prefixes... [scribe assist by Manu Sporny] Mike Johnson: I'm all for simplifying it. [scribe assist by Manu Sporny] David I. Lehn: Might be complicated... Manu Sporny: Ok, so we'll try to work this into the technical timeline after we release the demo. [scribe assist by Manu Sporny] Topic: Technical development after launch Manu Sporny: something we have been concerned about is getting people to use the libraries and develop on the system to give feedback Manu Sporny: right now we have the wordpress plugin, but we'd like other demos, like a gaming demo of someone playing an online arcade game Manu Sporny: we also have a radio spectrum purchase demo idea that should be worked on Manu Sporny: what's the best way to set up the developers to get them building on top of this system Manu Sporny: Jeff would like to integrated with his smart-up Manu Sporny: Pelle or Manny interested? Jose 'Manny' De Loera: The gaming demo arcade idea is interesting, but I'm not a good programmer. Manu Sporny: not being a programmer might be a good thing, we want people to be able to integrate even if they don't have deep experience programming Jose 'Manny' De Loera: the arcade idea tends more towards the payment process Pelle Braendgaard: alreading implementing several things close to an authority, can add integration Manu Sporny: next week is Thanksgiving, no telecon then Manu Sporny: week after, we will have a meeting Manu Sporny: more work on the demo and spec, website will be updated -- manu -- Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny) Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc. blog: Standardizing Payment Links - Why Online Tipping has Failed http://manu.sporny.org/2011/payment-links/
Received on Friday, 18 November 2011 22:45:06 UTC