Re: Interesting article on Des Moines-based startup

On 11 November 2011 22:23, Jeff Sayre <> wrote:
> I thought this article was relevant given the work we are doing in this CG.
> This 28-Year-Old Is Making Sure Credit Cards Won't Exist In The Next Few
> Years:

Nice article, thanks.

It'll take a bit more than that to kill credit cards i fear.

I hope this means that there is a shift aways from centralization and
bureaucracy towards decentralization and frictionless payments.

> Jeff
> ---
> Jeff Sayre
> w:
> t: @jeffsayre
> G+: forget it, their profile URL's suck; just use search
>> -- manu
>> --
>> Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny)
>> Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
>> blog: Standardizing Payment Links - Why Online Tipping has Failed

Received on Friday, 11 November 2011 23:23:22 UTC