Re: [w3c/payment-request] [Spec] Relax user activation requirement for show() (PR #1009)

Hey Marcos; apologies for missing on the PR template, and I agree that we could have done better here to get WebKit views. I will push back slightly and note that at time of PR creation, to my knowledge Apple was not a member of the WPWG and so was not engaging on PaymentRequest/etc issues, **however** we could still have requested a standards position at the very least.

We deliberately wrote the spec change so that it was optional for the user agent to allow, but ack that it may not fully address your concerns. Happy to discuss in a future WPWG meeting!

> and the redirect without requiring user activation... is that is that thing, like, in HTML?

I may not understand your question correctly, but one can redirect in HTML without any user interaction or activation. Via either JavaScript or 302 redirects. One generally cannot open pop-ups without user interaction (though I don't think it's actually spec'd - it's about the individual browsers pop-up blocker logic), so it's fair to note that this change is risky in that direction. We did weight that up for Chrome very seriously and implemented some mitigations, but ultimately felt the use-case of redirect from aggregator --> frictionless merchant checkout flow was worth supporting.

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Message ID: <w3c/payment-request/pull/1009/>

Received on Wednesday, 7 February 2024 16:06:15 UTC