Re: [w3c/payment-request] User activation et webauthn (Issue #1002)

Hi @asma1402 . Can you clarify the exact ordering of calls here? At first you say (emphasis mine):

> **After** i receive show() response, and before i call the complete methode, I use navigator.credentials.get()

But then you say:

> if the user takes it's time before he gives his fingerprint or any other webauth credentials, i get this error : ... Failed to execute 'show' on 'PaymentRequest'

The latter quote sounds like you are calling `navigator.credentials.get()` *first*, before calling ``.

Are you able to post a code snippet showing what your code looks like? (Or even better, a reproduction website!)

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Message ID: <w3c/payment-request/issues/1002/>

Received on Monday, 27 March 2023 19:53:40 UTC