Re: [w3c/payment-handler] registration paymentManager instruments .set 'instrument-key' handler payment (Issue #410)

@MimiaBena - without sample code or (preferably) a publicly visible reproduction webpage, I'm afraid I doubt we will be able to help you. Payment Handler should work for manifest+service-worker payment methods, and I cannot tell from your post why you would see method not supported.

> I added my method with "navigator.paymentMananager.instruments.set" but this part is removed. I haven't found an alternative to this.

There is no alternative; the concept of specific instruments has been removed from Payment Handler and the handling of payment instruments is now an internal detail of the payment app declared in the manifest (e.g., entirely up to whatever the service worker code does.)

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Message ID: <w3c/payment-handler/issues/410/>

Received on Monday, 20 March 2023 14:34:01 UTC