Re: [w3c/payment-request] Discuss findings of security analysis (#903)

Personally I think the root of the problem actually is the combination of personal information with payments.  These are separate issues.  The shipping part of `PaymentRequest` addresses a limited set of real-world cases (ad-hoc shopping on the Web) and only saves a single click or two compared to HTML's `autocomplete`.

Other privacy discussions I have seen over the years seem to overlook the fact that a malicious PaymentHandler (aka payment application) can return whatever information it has access to.  That is, _a PaymentHandler must be trustworthy_.  For native PaymentHandlers this is accomplished though publishing in specific "app-stores" as well as through platform attestations. Since I'm not up-to-speed on ServiceWorker-based PaymentHandlers, I don't know what kind of attacks that are possible for such designs.

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