Re: [w3c/payment-request] Clarify retry() when errorFields are not passed (#825)

ianbjacobs commented on this pull request.

> @@ -3182,16 +3182,24 @@ <h2>
+              <li data-link-for="PaymentValidationErrors">By matching the
+              members of <var>errorFields</var> to input fields in the user
+              agent's UI, indicate to the end-user that something is wrong with
+              the data of the payment response. For example, a user agent might
+              draw the user's attention to the erroneous <var>errorFields</var>
+              in the browser's UI and display the value of each field in a
+              manner that helps the user fix each error. Similarly, if the <a>
+                error</a> member is passed, present the error in the user
+                agent's UI. In the case where the value of a member is the
+                empty string, the user agent MAY substitute a value with with a

                empty string, the user agent MAY substitute a value with a

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