Re: [w3c/payment-request] Add hasEnrolledInstrument() (#833)

danyao commented on this pull request.

>                algorithm.
+              <li>Let <var>handlers</var> be a <a>list</a> of registered
+              <a>payment handlers</a> that are authorized and can handle
+              payment request for <var>identifier</var>.
+              </li>
+              <li>For each <var>handler</var> in <var>handlers</var>:
+                <ol>
+                  <li>Let <var>hasEnrolledInstrument</var> be the result of
+                  running <var>handler</var>'s <a>steps to check if a payment

In Chrome we're using the existing steps in the basic card spec to determine if a card should be considered "enrolled". For payment handler, I believe the equivalent is the CanMakePaymentEvent. In both cases, our rationale is that the new canMakePayment() method checks the existence of a payment handler for the specified method, and hasEnrolledInstrument() checks the actual "can-make-payment" property of the payment handler.

I think renaming "steps to check if a payment can be made" to "steps to check if the handler has an enrolled instrument" may be more clear in the long run, but it introduces a lot of changes to existing spec without changing any behavior. That's why I opted to reuse the existing language as much as possible.

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