Re: [w3c/payment-request] Add regionCode attribute (#690)

mnoorenberghe commented on this pull request.

> +            <li>If <var>details</var>["<a>regionCode</a>"] is present and not
+            the empty string:
+              <ol>
+                <li>Let <var>regionCode</var> be the result of <a>strip leading
+                and trailing ASCII whitespace</a> and <a data-cite=
+                "!INFRA#ascii-uppercase">ASCII uppercasing</a>
+                <var>details</var>["<a>regionCode</a>"].
+                </li>
+                <li>If <var>regionCode</var> is not a valid [[!ISO3166-2]]
+                subdivision code, throw a <a>RangeError</a> exception.
+                </li>
+                <li>Set <var>address</var>.<a>[[\regionCode]]</a> to
+                <var>regionCode</var>.
+                </li>
+              </ol>
+            </li>

We are already using libaddressinput (and I believe Chromium does too) so it would be great if we could also use that here instead of having two versions of similar data. Does ISO3166-2 only have one name per region? What about when there are multiple official languages? Consider CA-QC: is it "[Quebec](" or "[Québec](" in ISO3166-2. libaddressinput provides both but without a clear way to know which one would match ISO3166-2.

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