Re: [w3c/payment-request] WIP: add constructor to PaymentAddress (#654)

domenic requested changes on this pull request.

Found some nits!

> +        <dt>
+          <dfn>Sorting code</dfn>
+        </dt>
+        <dd>
+          The sorting code as used in, for example, France.
+        </dd>
+        <dt>
+          <dfn>Language code</dfn>
+        </dt>
+        <dd>
+          The language in which the address is provided. It's used to determine
+          the field separators and the order of fields when formatting the
+          address for display.
+        </dd>
+        <dt>
+          <dfn>organization</dfn>

The capitalization is inconsistent on these components of an address. I think consistently lowercase would be best.

>          </h2>
+        <pre class="idl">
+          [SecureContext, Exposed=(Window,Worker), Constructor(optional AddressInit details)]

Does exposing this in workers make sense?

>          </h2>
+        <pre class="idl">
+          [SecureContext, Exposed=(Window,Worker), Constructor(optional AddressInit details)]
+          interface PaymentAddress {
+            [Default] object toJSON();
+            readonly attribute DOMString country;

The order here doesn't match the above, which is pretty confusing.

> -                To maintain user's privacy, implementers need to be mindful
-                that a shipping address's associated phone number might be
-                different or the same from that of the end-user's. As such,
-                implementers need to take care to not provide the end user's
-                phone number to the merchant without the end user's consent.
-              </p>
-            </aside>
-          </li>
-          <li>Set <var>address</var>.<a>[[\languageCode]]</a> to a
+        <section>
+          <h2>
+            Constructor
+          </h2>
+          <p>
+            The steps to <dfn data-lt="PaymentAddress.PaymentAddress()"
+            data-no-default="">construct a <code>PymentAddress</code></dfn>

Typo "PymentAddress"

> +          <h2>
+            Constructor
+          </h2>
+          <p>
+            The steps to <dfn data-lt="PaymentAddress.PaymentAddress()"
+            data-no-default="">construct a <code>PymentAddress</code></dfn>
+            with <a>AddressInit</a> <var>details</var> are given by the
+            following algorithm:
+          </p>
+          <ol data-link-for="AddressInit">
+            <li>Let <var>address</var> be a new instance of
+            <a>PaymentAddress</a> with <a>[[\addressLine]]</a> set to an empty
+            <code><a data-cite=
+            "!WEBIDL#idl-sequence">sequence</a>&lt;<a data-cite=
+            "WEBIDL#idl-DOMString">DOMString</a>&gt;</code>, and all other
+            internal slots set to the empty string.

Do you want to distinguish between null and empty string? Null feels a bit more natural for "unset" fields.

I have a feeling we discussed this before... apologies if so.

> +                "!INFRA#ascii-uppercase">ASCII uppercasing</a>
+                <var>details</var>["<a>country</a>"].
+                </li>
+                <li>If <var>country</var> is not a valid [[!ISO3166]] alpha-2
+                code, throw a <a>RangeError</a>.
+                </li>
+              </ol>
+            </li>
+            <li>If <var>details</var>["<a>addressLine</a>"] is present:
+              <ol>
+                <li>Push each item of <var>details</var>["<a>addressLine</a>"]
+                in order into <var>address</var>.<a>[[\addressLine]]</a>.
+                </li>
+              </ol>
+            </li>
+            <li>Freeze <var>details</var>["<a>addressLine</a>"].

You don't want to freeze the incoming dictionary. I think instead you want to set address.[[addressLine]] to a new frozen array created from details["addressLine"]. (In place of both of the above steps.)

> +                <li>If <var>country</var> is not a valid [[!ISO3166]] alpha-2
+                code, throw a <a>RangeError</a>.
+                </li>
+              </ol>
+            </li>
+            <li>If <var>details</var>["<a>addressLine</a>"] is present:
+              <ol>
+                <li>Push each item of <var>details</var>["<a>addressLine</a>"]
+                in order into <var>address</var>.<a>[[\addressLine]]</a>.
+                </li>
+              </ol>
+            </li>
+            <li>Freeze <var>details</var>["<a>addressLine</a>"].
+            </li>
+            <li>If <var>details</var>["<a>region</a>"] is present, set
+            <var>address</var>.<a>[[\region]]</a> to the result of trimming

What is "trimming"? :) I think you want

> +                <li>Push each item of <var>details</var>["<a>addressLine</a>"]
+                in order into <var>address</var>.<a>[[\addressLine]]</a>.
+                </li>
+              </ol>
+            </li>
+            <li>Freeze <var>details</var>["<a>addressLine</a>"].
+            </li>
+            <li>If <var>details</var>["<a>region</a>"] is present, set
+            <var>address</var>.<a>[[\region]]</a> to the result of trimming
+            <var>details</var>["<a>region</a>"]
+            </li>
+            <li>If <var>details</var>["<a>phone</a>"] is present:
+              <ol>
+                <li>Check if <var>details</var>["<a>phone</a>"] is a
+                <a>structurally valid phone number</a>, throw a
+                <a>RangeError</a>.

Presumably only throw the RangeError if it is not a structurally valid phone number. As phrased, this always throws it.

> +              </ol>
+            </li>
+            <li>Freeze <var>details</var>["<a>addressLine</a>"].
+            </li>
+            <li>If <var>details</var>["<a>region</a>"] is present, set
+            <var>address</var>.<a>[[\region]]</a> to the result of trimming
+            <var>details</var>["<a>region</a>"]
+            </li>
+            <li>If <var>details</var>["<a>phone</a>"] is present:
+              <ol>
+                <li>Check if <var>details</var>["<a>phone</a>"] is a
+                <a>structurally valid phone number</a>, throw a
+                <a>RangeError</a>.
+                </li>
+                <li>Set <var>address</var>.<a>[[\phone]]</a> to the result of
+                <a>canonicalize a phone number</a>

canonicalizing the phone number

> +          <table>
+            <tr>
+              <th>
+                Internal slot
+              </th>
+              <th>
+                Description (<em>non-normative</em>)
+              </th>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+              <td>
+                <dfn>[[\country]]</dfn>
+              </td>
+              <td>
+                A <a>country</a> as an [[!ISO3166]] alpha-2 code or the empty
+                string. The canonical form is upper case. For example, "JP".

I would phrase this as "stored in its canonical uppercase form"

> +            Structurally valid phone numbers
+          </h3>
+          <p>
+            The steps to check if a <a data-cite=
+            "WEBIDL#idl-DOMString">DOMString</a> <var>tel</var> is
+            <dfn>structurally valid phone number</dfn> is given by the
+            following algorithm.
+          </p>
+          <p class="note">
+            The algorithm checks that a phone number conforms to [[!E.164]].
+          </p>
+          <ol class="algorithm">
+            <li>If <var>tel</var> contains U+000A LINE FEED (LF) or U+000D
+            CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) characters, return false.
+            </li>
+            <li>Strip and collapse ASCII whitespace in <var>tel</var>.

Link to

> +          <p>
+            The steps to check if a <a data-cite=
+            "WEBIDL#idl-DOMString">DOMString</a> <var>tel</var> is
+            <dfn>structurally valid phone number</dfn> is given by the
+            following algorithm.
+          </p>
+          <p class="note">
+            The algorithm checks that a phone number conforms to [[!E.164]].
+          </p>
+          <ol class="algorithm">
+            <li>If <var>tel</var> contains U+000A LINE FEED (LF) or U+000D
+            CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) characters, return false.
+            </li>
+            <li>Strip and collapse ASCII whitespace in <var>tel</var>.
+            </li>
+            <li>If the length is greater 15, return false.

If **_tel_'s** length is greater **than** 15...

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