Re: [w3c/payment-request] validate PaymentCurrencyAmount.currency (closes #490) (#567)

marcoscaceres commented on this pull request.

>                <var>details</var>.<a>total</a>.<a data-lt=
-              "PaymentItem.amount">amount</a>.<a data-lt=
-              "PaymentCurrencyAmount.value">value</a> is U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS,
-              then <a>throw</a> a <a>TypeError</a>, optionally informing the
-              developer that the total can't be negative.
+              "PaymentItem.amount">amount</a>.
+              </li>
+              <li>
+                <a>Check and canonicalize <var>total</var></a>. Rethrow any
+                exceptions.

Yeah, the rethrow is a bit redundant - we need some kind of spec/platform convention whereby if algorithm name starts with the word "X", it potentially throw.

Maybe we already have that for these kinds of checker/validator algorithms? 

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