Re: [w3c/browser-payment-api] Add extension point (#492)

marcoscaceres commented on this pull request.

> @@ -665,17 +679,22 @@
           <li>Return <var>acceptPromise</var> and perform the remaining steps
           <a>in parallel</a>.
-          <li>For each <var>paymentMethod</var> in
-          <var>request</var>.<a>[[\serializedMethodData]]</a>:
-            <ol>
-              <li>Determine which <a>payment apps</a> support any of the
-              <a>payment method identifiers</a> given by the first element of
-              the <var>paymentMethod</var> tuple. For each resulting payment
-              app, if payment method specific capabilities supplied by the
-              payment app match those provided by the second element of the
-              tuple, the payment app matches.
-              </li>
-            </ol>
+          <li><p><a>Extension point</a>: process any proprietary and/or other
+            supported algorithms, for determining the available methods of paying,
+            at this point in the algorithm.</p>
+            <p>Alternatively, the following generic algorithm may be applied:</p>

Consider also that the extension point might require particular inputs and might have outputs (probably exceptions, as above). I've not given a lot of thoughts to what those are. That extension interface is basically what we would want to standardize here.

A place to start for the above is to look at which spec needs this right now. Which spec is going to use this? 

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