Re: [w3c/browser-payment-api] PROPOSAL: Payment Method Identifiers taking advantage of URL characteristics (#205)

-1 to  /.well-known. I prefer that we not tell people how to organize their Web sites.

We have discussed a few key topics: extensibility, syntax, grouping, aliases, and dereferencing.

Here's my current understanding:
 * Extensibility. Closed since we picked URLs
 * Syntax. Mostly closed since we picked URLs, but we may say more if we include grouping/subclassing semantics.
 * Dereferencing. I have not heard anyone say this is a MUST, therefore I suggest we
   postpone discussion of dereferencing until we have more experience.
 * Aliases. I hear only lukewarm support at this point (and some stronger opposition) so  
   I suggest we not include short aliases at this time.

That leaves the matching algorithm. The matching algorithm's complexity will depend on whether we want grouping/subclassing semantics. If we don't, we can use well-known URL equivalence testing. If we do, we need to specify more.

Personally I think we should endeavor to include subclassing/grouping in V1. There are different degrees that we might strive to achieve:

1) Exclusion only. That would allow someone to say "I support Brand X but not sub-brand Y."
    That would address some use cases and could be addressed outside of syntax by
    having a new field in the paymentRequest() API which is "not accepted." The matching
    algorithm implemented by the browser would be more complex than simple URL    
   equivalence, but not a lot more complex.
2) Sub-brand matching. This would allow us to meet this use case: "Merchant accepts
    Brand (or sub-brand) X" while "User has Y, which is a sub-brand of X." There have
    been two proposals so far that endeavored to achieve that:

    a) Matt's URL path hierarchy.
    b) Adrian's query params (which MattS and I have also discussed).

I don't like (a) because I think it's brittle. I am not yet convinced by (b) and would
like to hear more viewpoints.


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