Re: [w3c/browser-payment-api] Should it be possible to provide amounts in more than one currency (#3)

@davidillsley yes, see #109 

The challenge we have with doing this via the browser API is that the current events/callbacks system is intended to be an exchange between the website and the user agent before the request is passed to the payment app. 

Once that is done there is no obvious way to continue exchanging data between them. Of course this may not be true if we define more specifically what a payment app IS but to date we have danced around this issue in a fairly uncomfortable way.

E.g. If a payment app on a mobile device is actually a separate app to the browser (which is itself an app) then we are severely limited in what is possible ito IPC between the apps. The support for this is very different across platforms and we're getting into a space we can't control.

It's becoming increasingly clear to me that we need to define a default web-based payment app behavior that all user agents MUST support and then allow them to innovate in how they support native apps.

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