[browser-payment-api] How are payment requests and responses passed between the browser and third-party native wallets? (#50)

Migrating from https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/issues/42:

@rsolomakhin sort of described it here:

I think that native apps will connect through OS-specific means, like intents on Android. Here's how user agent code would look like on Android, I imagine:

Intent intent = new Intent("org.w3.intent.action.PAY", Uri.parse("https://bobpay.xyz"));
intent.putExtra("Details", "{\"price\": 5500, \"currency\": \"USD\", \"merchant\": \"superstore1\"}");
intent.putExtra("SchemeData", "{\"bobPaySpecificField\": \"foo\"}");
startActivityForResult(intent, 0);

The payment app should send back the result as a string (or HashMap) plus the result code. Like so:

Intent result = new Intent("org.w3.intent.action.PAY");
result.putExtra("InstrumentDetails", "{\n"
        + "  \"cardNumber\": \"4111111111111111\",\n"
        + "  \"nameOnCard\": \"Bob J. Paymentman\",\n"
        + "  \"expMonth\":   \"12\",\n"
        + "  \"expYear\":    \"2016\",\n"
        + "  \"cvv2\":       \"123\"\n"
setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, result);

However, the spec should give folks some idea of how the integration might happen via a NOTE or similar mechanism to ensure that people know it won't be just the OS vendors providing payment apps

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