Re: [w3c/browser-payment-api] Detecting Payment Method Availability (#316)

adamroach commented on this pull request.

>              <code>false</code>, otherwise resolve <var>acceptPromise</var> with <code>true</code>.
-            Cache the response in <var>cachedResponse</var> and set <var>cacheInvalidateTimer</var> to certain <a>DateTime</a> for the <var>topLevelDomain</var>.
+            Cache the response in <var>cachedResponse</var> and set <var>canMakePaymentQuotaReached</var> to 
+            to true.
+          </li>
+          <li> 
+            In addition, implementations may choose to implement a timeout to reset 
+            <var>canMakePaymentQuotaReached</var> for the <var>topLevelOrigin</var>.

This doesn't really work without a quota reset at some point. I think what we need to specify here is that implementations {should or must} reset the quota after a timeout, with the timeout selected by the implementation.

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