Tuesday, January 24th, 2017
Time: 11am Boston
Text Chat: http://tinyurl.com/w3c-vctf
Voice: sip:vctf@
tel:+1-540-961-4469;ext=6306 (extension 6306)
Duration: 60 minutes
Scribes: BrianS, DanB, NateO, KerriL, MatthewL, CarlaC, StuartS, GreggK,
ShaneM, Longley, ChristopherA, Manu, DavidE, LesC, RichardV, MattS, NathanG
Proposed Agenda
0. Agenda review and Introductions (5 mins)
1. Status of Verifiable Claims WG Vote (5 mins)
2. Use case doc issue 33 [1] (25 mins)
3. Data model spec issue 12 [2] (25 mins)
----- The line ----- (if time permits after the above)
4. Use Case review -- issue discussion [3] (Joe)
5. Intro to GitHub pull requests, part II [4] (20 mins)
[1] https://github.com/opencreds/vc-use-cases/issues/33
[2] https://github.com/opencreds/vc-data-model/issues/12
[3] https://github.com/opencreds/vc-use-cases/issues
-- dan