Re: Collecting detailed requirements


As decided during yesterday's call, we will be using a Google Doc for now
to collect requirements on the Data Model and Syntaxes document.  Please
add any potential new requirements to:

The existing ones from the use cases document have already been added.
Remember that any new suggested requirements need to point to a use case.

-- dan (for the chairs)

On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 5:41 AM, Daniel Burnett <>

> Dear Verifiable Claims participants,
> The Chairs believe the time is right to begin developing a complete
> requirements list that we can use to a) model what current implementations
> embody and b) focus work on the specification.  We will use the list to
> begin verifying that the Data Model and Syntaxes specification is correct
> and complete.
> The current Use Cases document contains a short list of requirements [1]
> developed through careful work by the group over the past few years that
> can be used as a starting point.
> Of course we can only begin the work at this time since we will have new
> participants when the working group forms and thus new ideas and
> requirements to consider, but we can still get started.
> We will need to create a document to hold the requirements, or decide to
> put them into the existing Use Cases document, but for now here is what we
> ask:
> - Please send requirements on the Data Model and Syntaxes specification to
> the mailing list ***BY FEBRUARY 21, 2017***
> - Please try to keep them single, simple sentences rather than a
> paragraph, for example 'It must be possible for the holder of a claim to
> limit the duration for which information chosen for sharing is shared.'
> - Each requirement must reference one or more use cases that motivate it.
> If no relevant use case is in the current Use Cases document, then propose
> one.
> Dan Burnett (for the chairs)
> [1]

Received on Wednesday, 8 February 2017 16:39:12 UTC