RE: Web Payments IG Telcon Agenda - 2016-11-21 @ 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US) for 60 minutes


Again, please accept my regrets for not being able to participate this time (again), but year-end time is a way too busy time at times....


From: David Ezell []
Sent: Freitag, 18. November 2016 20:01
Subject: Web Payments IG Telcon Agenda - 2016-11-21 @ 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US) for 60 minutes

Agenda for the call:

1 Confirm agenda.  Please send agenda change requests in advance.

    Appoint scribe.

2 Reports from activities

    Following the face to face meeting, we have a number of activities to begin to track.

Today's reports:

 * ISO Harmonization (David Ezell - regrets from Kris Ketels)

-          TG1 progress

-          RMG meeting in Tampa - expectations

* Digital Offers (Linda Toth) [Linda and I have been at IFSF in Amsterdam.  She expects to flesh out this section after our meeting tomorrow.]


     The digital offers community group has had two meetings, November 4 and November 18.

-          Regular meeting times (Doodle poll indicates 12PM Mondays)

-          Membership (JICC, GS1, and other offers groups outside petroleum have joined the effort)

-          Brief review of meeting with IFSF, and how it is expected to relate to the work at W3C

 * Regulatory Landscape (Jean-Yves Rossi) [Jean-Yves responded with this outline]


-          Report on outreach to individual members

-          Proposed change of title and/or scope

-          Wiki review (including upcoming schedule)

 * "Vision 2017" (Ian Jacobs)

      At our f2f meeting in Lisbon, Ian volunteered to start a task force and work on refreshing our IG vision.

      Please review the page and think about how you might help out in this important work.

* Verifiable Claims (Manu Sporny)

      Manu will give a summary of where the task force work stands now, and how people might engage if they desire to help move the work forward.

      Phil Archer (W3C) has proposed some Charter edits, so this email gives links to potential pre-read material:

Telcon Information


IRC Channel:


IG home page:

WebEx (voice) see:

For details on meeting participation see

Received on Monday, 21 November 2016 12:31:48 UTC