Web Payments IG Telcon Agenda - 2016-04-18 @ 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US) for 60 minutes

Agenda for the call:

1 Confirm agenda.  Please send agenda change requests in advance.

   Appoint scribe.

2 Verifiable Claims Task Force (VCTF) Review

    Verifiable Claims work has been a major focus of the IG (through the task force), and bringing that work
    to fruition is very important.

    Manu has proposed some questions to spur discussion on our call:
    * What is the best mode for the IG to support the VCTF work? A note on capabilities gaps in payments (motivations)? 
        Do we think such a note will actually result in something  that will sway W3C members?
    * Do we have enough people engaged to start a WG on Verifiable Claims  from the Web Payments group?
        Are IG members going to fill out the questionnaire and join the work?
        See:  https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webpayments-ig/2016Apr/0032.html 
    * What is our position on incubating work in a CG? For how long?
    * Should the VCTF propose a set of documents to put into a WG?

3 Proposing an "IG Process"

   The chairs and staff contact have been thinking about helping to formalize, or at least outline, a process that can help the 
   IG accomplish some of its core goals.

   Please see:  https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/WebPaymentIGProcess 

   We will discuss open questions on the wiki page (feel free to add your own) and potentially walk through some proposed
   scenarios.  We will also discuss how experience with the VCTF might help inform our consideration.
4 Mid-2016 Year Logistics

   Previously this question was about whether we wanted to co-locate with the WG in London.  We will update what
   choices are actually on the table, if possible. 


Telcon Information
IRC Channel:
IG home page: http://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/

WebEx (voice) see:

For details on meeting participation see https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Main_Page#Teleconference_Logistics

Received on Friday, 15 April 2016 21:26:09 UTC